Rev. August 2021
1.1 本销售条款与条件(“条款”)、附带或引用本条款的任何销售文件以及补充条款(如有)构成默克化工技术(上海)有限公司或其关联方(“卖方”)与买方(“买方”)之间关于买卖销售文件所载明的产品(“产品”)与服务(“服务”)的完整协议(“协议”)。“销售文件”系指卖方在买卖过程中提供的打印或数字形式的任何文件,包括但不限于报价单,账单,确认、认可或接受订单的文件(“订单确认书”)和装运文件。如双方已签署了适用于销售特定产品和/或服务的合同,则与本条款不一致的部分,以该等合同的条款为准。
1.2 本条款优先于任何买方条款,无论该等条款为何时提供。履行买方订单不构成对任何买方条款的接受,亦不应当视为对本条款的修订或变更。
1.3 特定产品和服务可能受限于本条款未包含的额外条款(“补充条款”),当适用时,补充条款可在销售文件或卖方网站中被引用或提供,或由卖方按需提供。
1.4 卖方与买方之间的协议于卖方确认、认可或开始履行买方订单时被订立。未经卖方的明示书面同意,买方不得修改或取消协议。修改或取消行为可能需要买方支付卖方因此产生的特定费用。除非卖方同意的情况下,特定产品(例如诊断试剂(如有);冷藏或冷冻产品;定制产品或特殊订单)的订单均不得取消。
2.1 卖方提供的交付日期不具有约束力,交付时间不具有关键性质。卖方不对任何迟延、运输途中的丢失或损坏负责。
2.2 除非另有书面约定,产品将使用卖方标准的包装与装运方式进行装运,并就此收取一定费用。除非双方另有书面约定或订单确认书中另有规定,产品交付应当采用CPT术语(国际贸易术语2010年版)交付至买方指定地点,运费应当由卖方预付并添至其向买方开具的账单中,且产品所有权(不包括任何软件)将在到达目的地时转移至买方。
2.3 卖方可自行决定对产品进行部分装运并立即开具相应账单。无论装运系对买方订单的整体或部分履行,买方均应当为已装运的部分付款。
2.4 对于特定产品,卖方保留 (a) 要求采购全部批次的权利;及 (b)在卖方视为必要的范围内,自行决定在任何或全部客户(包括卖方关联方和经销商)之间分配供应的权利且无需承担可能因此导致任何未能履行之责任。
2.5 卖方应当决定服务的地点。如在卖方场地或卖方授权的第三方场地提供服务,买方应当负责任何装运和运输费用,包括任何保险费用,如适用。如在买方场地或买方控制的其他场地提供服务,买方应当 (a) 在关于提供服务的一切事项上与卖方合作,并在合理必要或被要求时,提供进入场地与设施的通道,包括安全作业环境;(b) 及时提供任何要求的材料、指示、信息、批准、授权或决定(“信息”);及 (c) 确保该等信息在实质上完整、准确。
3.1 买方应当 (a) 遵守卖方提供的所有指示、限制、规格、使用说明或使用条件,包括但不限于产品数据、产品信息、安全数据表、限制使用信息和标签(“使用文件”),并 (b) 正确测试、使用、制造和推广产品和/或与产品共同生产的材料。
3.2 买方认可,除非使用文件中另有明确规定,产品未经过食品、药品、医疗器械、化妆品、商业或其他任何用途方面的安全性和有效性测试。买方自行负责办理以下事项:(a) 取得关于产品使用的任何必要知识产权许可,(b) 遵守一切适用的监管要求和被普遍接受的行业标准,及(c) 进行一切必要测试和认证,包括预期目的适合性测试和认证。
3.3 如适用的使用文件,包括但不限于限制使用标签证书,表明产品仅为研究目的提供和销售,则买方从未从卖方处获得任何明示或默示授权为任何其他目的使用该等产品,包括但不限于用于体外诊断目的、用于人类或动物的食品、药品、医疗器械或化妆品或用于商业目的。除非卖方另行书面同意,买方不得为任何目的营销、分销、转售或出口产品。
4.1 买方应当不晚于在收货后五(5)日内检验产品(“检验期”)。除非买方在检验期内书面告知卖方任何不合格产品,且如要求,提供证据或其他文件,则买方将被视为已经接受收到的产品。“不合格产品”仅系指交付产品或其数量不符合订单确认书中规定的已交付产品。
4.2 如依据第4.1条进行了告知,卖方应当自行决定 (a) 用合格产品更换该等不合格产品,或 (b) 退还该等不合格产品的价格,或在部分交付的情形下,调整账单以反映实际交付数量。卖方保留检验产品的权利。买方认可并同意,上述规定的救济措施为不合格产品交付的排他性救济措施。
4.3 如授权,任何退回应当按照下述第8条处理。
5.1 买方应当按照卖方提供的价格向卖方购买产品和服务,包括但不限于有效报价单中的价格或截至适用订单确认书之日有效的公开价目表中的价格。如产品装运前价格上涨,则协议应当被解释为如同上涨后的价格原本就规定在其中,且卖方应当按照该等价格向买方开具账单。
5.2 所有价格不包括任何政府机关或准政府机关就买方应付的任何款项而征收的任何种类的一切销售税、使用税、特殊消费税、关税、进口税、海关税费以及其他任何类似税金或费用。买方应当对一切该等税金和费用负责;但前提是,买方不应当对任何向卖方收入、营业收入、毛收入、人员或不动产或其他资产征收的或与之相关的税费负责。
5.3 除非在订单中另有约定,买方应当在发票日起三十(30)日内将一切账单金额支付至规定的银行账户或另行指定的银行账户。
5.4 买方应当按照以下较低者就所有迟延付款支付利息:(a) 按照高于中国人民银行贷款基准利率百分之八(8%)的年利率,或 (b) 适用法律项下允许的最高利率,按天计算并按月复利计息。买方应当补偿卖方为收取任何迟延付款而产生的一切费用,包括但不限于律师费。除本条款或法律项下可获取的所有其他救济措施外,卖方可以不通知买方而推迟或取消产品的交付和/或服务的履行,并可以自行决定变更任何未交付产品和/或未履行服务的付款期限。
5.5 买方不得以抵销与卖方的任何索赔或争议为由扣留任何到期应付款项。
6.1 如卖方向买方提供或许可任何软件或使用文件,包括与任何产品或服务一并提供或与之相关的软件(“软件”),则随该等软件或使用文件一并提供的条款应予以适用。如未有条款一并提供,则应当适用本条款,包括第6条。
6.2 卖方授予买方使用卖方提供的软件和使用文件副本的权利与许可。除非该方书面同意遵守本条款,本条款项下授予的许可权不得转让予其他方。在任何情形下,与任何产品或服务一并提供或与之相关的软件不得离开该等产品或服务而被单独转让。
6.3 软件、使用文件以及相关知识产权,包括但不限于著作权,归卖方、卖方关联方和/或特定供应商或其关联方所有,软件、使用文件或相应知识产权的所有权不得转移给买方或任何其他第三方。买方理解,其对任何第三方软件的使用将受限于且其将遵守任何适用的第三方许可协议或通知的条款以及软件中所包含的软件或固件的任何其他第三方所有权人或提供方的权利。
6.4 买方应当 (a) 仅与所提供的产品或服务一起使用或为其目的使用软件与使用文件或为其所提供的使用范围内之目的使用软件与使用文件,(b) 不得导致或允许对软件的任何反向工程、拆卸、反向编译、修改或改编或将软件与其他任何软件相结合,或 (c) 不得违反美国外国资产管制规定或其他适用的进口或出口管制规定将软件移至任何国家。
6.5 任何软件的替换、修复或升级应当基于本条款项下相同的限制及其他规定而提供,除非该等替换、修复或升级系依据某一单独许可协议提供。任何该等替换、修复或升级均应当按照卖方规定的价格和付款条款予以提供。
7.1 卖方向买方保证,产品将在以下期限内(以较短者为准)符合卖方公开的规格:(a) 自产品装运之日起一(1)年内,或 (b) 剩余保质期或产品到期日前的期限。
7.2 卖方保证,将按照类似服务所通常认可的行业标准以专业、熟练的方式履行服务,且卖方将充分调动资源遵守其在协议项下的义务。关于卖方违反本条款项下义务的任何索赔应当在履行适用服务后九十(90)日内提出。
7.3 卖方保证,软件(包括其任何升级)将自交付之日起一(1)年内实质上符合公开的规格。
7.4 除上述规定的保证外,卖方不对其提供的产品(包括对其的任何使用)、服务、软件或任何技术协助或信息做出任何形式的保证,包括 (a) 适销性保证;(b) 适用于某一特定目的的保证;或 (c) 侵犯第三方知识产权的保证;无论该等保证是否依据法律、在交易过程中、在履行过程中、依据贸易惯例或以其他方式被明示或默示作出。卖方关于产品使用、挑选、应用或适合性的任何建议不得被解释为明示或默示保证。
7.5 上述规定的有限保证不会得到适用,除非:(a) 买方一经发现立即向卖方发送关于缺陷的书面通知;(b) 如适用,卖方被给予合理机会审查相关产品、服务或软件;及 (c) 缺陷被卖方核实。
7.6 如发生以下情形,第7.1条规定的有限保证不会得到适用:(a) 因违反第3条项下的义务而导致缺陷;(b) 出现任何未经授权的产品安装、维修、更改、升级、维护或其他修理行为;(c) 正常磨损或缺乏适当维护而导致缺陷;或(d) 超过适用的使用文件规定的保质期或到期日使用产品。
7.7 如设备故障或缺陷系由以下原因直接或间接导致的,则第7.2条规定的有限保证不会得到适用:(a) 不符合使用文件;(b) 买方、其承包方或代理方的任何滥用、盗窃、水回流、过失或不当行为;(c) 意外或装运相关损失;(d) 电器故障;(e) 恶意破坏、爆炸、洪水或火灾、天气或环境条件;或(f) 任何未经授权的安装、维修、更改、升级、维护或其他修理行为。如该等限制适用,但卖方自行决定重新履行适用服务,则可以向买方收取费用和开支,包括但不限于差旅费和卖方员工、承包方或代理方的任何工时费(按照列表费率)。
7.8 第7.3条规定的有限保证不适用于因以下原因产生或与之相关的任何缺陷:(a) 买方违反第6.4条;(b) 买方未能及时安装所需更新;或 (c) 买方或第三方系统或网络运行。
7.9 受限于本条规定的条件,包括第7.1、7.2和7.3条规定的时间限制,卖方应当自行决定 (a) 对于产品或软件,维修或更换产品或软件(或其缺陷零件),如卖方无法维修或更换,卖方应当退还该等产品、软件或其零件的价格;或 (b) 对于服务,重新履行适用服务或按照合同费率按比例退还该等服务的价格。上述规定的救济措施应当为买方单独且排他性的救济措施,且为卖方就其保证的任何违反而承担的全部责任。
9.1 针对因以下情形产生的、买方或其他方的人员或财产损失、损害或伤害,买方承担一切风险与责任:(a) 产品或软件运输、储存或使用,包括因买方对产品或软件的具体使用行为导致的任何第三方知识产权侵权,和 (b) 任何服务提供或使用。如卖方对其义务的履行因买方、其代理方或分包方的任何作为或不作为而受阻或迟延,卖方不得被视为违反其义务或以其他方式被视为需就买方或其他方(视情况而定)承担或蒙受的、直接或间接地因该等受阻或迟延所产生的任何成本、费用或损失而承担责任。
9.2 买方应当补偿并使卖方、其关联方、其各自代理方、雇员和代表免于承担下述一切索赔、损害、损失、支出和费用(包括律师费):(a) 因运输、储存、销售或使用产品产生或与之相关;(b) 因买方违反协议而产生,和/或 (c) 因买方、其关联方或其各自代理方、雇员、合作方或分包方的过失、鲁莽或不当行为而产生。
9.3 除非本条款另有明确规定,针对因产品(包括产品的销售、运输、储存、故障、使用或经销)、服务提供或软件许可产生的任何索赔、损害或损失,无论基于何种责任理论,包括但不限于保证、过失或严格责任,卖方均无需对买方或任何人士或实体进行赔偿或承担责任。此外,对于任何种类的偶发的、因果性的、间接的、惩罚性的或特殊的损害,卖方不承担责任,包括但不限于使用丧失责任、在制品丧失责任、收益或利润丧失责任、替代设备、设施或服务成本责任、停机成本责任或买方向第三方承担的任何责任。卖方在本条款项下的全部责任不得超过产品或服务的购买价格或所涉软件的许可费。
除本条款项下规定的任何其他救济措施外,如买方存在以下行为,卖方可以立即经书面通知终止协议:(a) 款项到期时未能支付任何款项;(2) 未曾以其他方式整体或部分履行或遵守本条款;或 (c) 资不抵债,提交破产申请,为债权人的利益进入或已经进入与破产、接管、重整或转让有关的程序。
卖方向买方披露的一切非公开、保密或专有信息,包括但不限于规格、样品、样式、设计、方案、图纸、文件、数据、业务操作、客户名单、定价、折扣或优惠,无论以口头方式披露或以书面形式、电子或其他方式或媒介披露或获取,且无论是否被注明、指定或以其他方式识别为“保密”,均具有保密性,除非经卖方事先书面授权,买方不得为其自身目的披露或使用,包括但不限于通过披露或基于该等保密信息提交任何专利申请。经要求,买方应当立即返还或销毁从卖方处收到的一切文件和其他材料。卖方应当有权就本条的任何违反申请禁令。本条不适用于以下信息:(a) 存在于公共领域;(b) 在披露时已为买方所知;或 (c) 买方以非保密方式通过第三方合法获取。
14.1 不弃权。卖方对协议任何条款的放弃均不得生效,除非明确以书面形式作出。对协议中任何权利、救济措施、权力或特权的未能行使或迟延行使不得导致或被解释为对此的放弃。
14.2 转让。未经卖方事先书面同意,买方不得转让其在协议项下的任何权利,亦不得委托履行其在协议项下的任何义务。违反本条款的任何所称转让或委托无效。任何转让或委托均不得免除买方在本条款项下的任何义务。
14.3 双方之间的关系。双方之间的关系是独立的合同关系。协议中的任何条款均不得被解释为在双方之间建立任何代理、合伙、联营或其他形式的合资企业、雇佣或信托关系,且任何一方均无权以任何方式为另一方缔约或约束另一方。
14.4 无第三方受益人。协议仅为双方及其各自承继方和经允许的受让方之独有利益,协议中的任何条款均无意或应当授予任何其他人士或实体任何法律或衡平法上的任何性质的权利、利益或救济。
14.5 公开与名称使用。未经卖方事先书面同意,买方不得 (a) 在任何书面或电子形式的推广、宣传或其他公开材料中提及卖方、其关联方、产品或服务,或 (b) 使用卖方或其关联方拥有的专有品牌名称、商标、商号、标识和其他知识产权。
14.6 管辖法律与管辖地。协议产生或与之相关的所有事项将受到中华人民共和国法律(不含任何准据法或冲突法规定或规则)管辖并据之解释。协议产生或与之相关的任何法律诉讼、行动或程序应当被提交至上海国际仲裁中心依据届时有效的上海国际仲裁中心仲裁规则作出有约束力的仲裁,每一方不可撤销地服从该等仲裁机构对任何诉讼、行动或程序的排他性管辖。
14.7 通知。除非双方对此另有约定,本条款项下所需的任何通知应当以书面形式作出并通过可跟踪的快递服务或挂号信或确认邮件发送至另一方的登记地址或业务主营地址或收件方指示的其他该等地址。
14.8 可分性。如协议的任何条款或规定在任何司法辖区无效、不合法或不可执行,该等无效、不合法或不可执行不得影响协议其他任何条款或规定,或导致该等条款或规定在其他任何司法辖区无效或不可执行。
14.9 存续。协议的任何终止或到期后,本条款规定依其性质应当在其有效期外适用的将继续有效,包括但不限于第3、6、7、9、12、14.6和14.9条。
14.10 修订与变更。除非本条款另有规定,协议仅可通过书面方式并经每一方一名授权代表签署的方式进行修订或变更。
14.11 数据保护。买方将为履行其在协议项下的义务以及与卖方之间的持续业务管理而向卖方要求、处理和使用个人信息(如联系人姓名和营业地址)。买方的处理活动应当遵守中国适用的数据保护法,包括但不限于《中华人民共和国网络安全法》及其之后的修正案、《信息安全技术-个人信息安全规范》(GB/T 35273-2020)以及之后的修正案。
Rev. August 2021
1.1 These terms and conditions of sale (these "Terms"), any Sales Documents accompanying or referencing these Terms, and Supplemental Terms, if any, comprise the entire agreement (the “Agreement”) between Merck Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. or an affiliate thereof ("Seller") and the purchaser (“Purchaser”) with respect to the purchase and sale of products (“Products”) and services ("Services") indicated on Sales Documents. “Sales Documents” means any document, print or digital, provided by Seller in the purchase and sale process, including but not limited to quotations, invoices, documents confirming, acknowledging or accepting an order (“Order Confirmation”) and shipping documents. If the parties have signed a contract applicable to the sale of certain Products and/or Services, the terms of such contract shall prevail to the extent they are inconsistent with these Terms.
1.2 These Terms prevail over any Purchaser’s terms regardless of when such terms are provided. Fulfilment of Purchaser's order does not constitute acceptance of any of Purchaser's terms and does not serve to modify or amend these Terms.
1.3 Certain Products and Services may be subject to additional terms (“Supplemental Terms”) not contained herein, which, when applicable, may be referenced on or provided with Sales Documents or Seller’s websites or provided by Seller upon request.
1.4 The Agreement between Seller and Purchaser is created when Seller confirms, acknowledges or begins to fulfil Purchaser’s order. Purchaser may not modify or cancel the Agreement without Seller’s express written consent. Modification or cancellation may require payment by Purchaser of certain costs incurred by Seller. Unless agreed by Seller, orders of certain Products (e.g. diagnostic reagents (if any); refrigerated or frozen products; custom Products or special orders) shall not be cancelled.
2.1 Delivery dates provided by Seller are non-binding and time of delivery is not of the essence. Seller shall not be liable for any delays, loss or damage in transit.
2.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Products are shipped using Seller's standard packaging and shipping methods, for which fees may apply. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the parties or set forth on an Order Confirmation, delivery of Products shall be made CPT Purchaser’s Ship-To Address (INCOTERMS® 2010), freight costs shall be prepaid by Seller and added to its invoice to Purchaser, and title to Products (excluding any Software) passes to Purchaser upon arrival at the destination.
2.3 Seller may, in its sole discretion, make partial shipments of Products and invoice immediately therefor. Purchaser shall pay for the units shipped whether such shipment is in whole or partial fulfilment of Purchaser's order.
2.4 With respect to certain Products, Seller reserves the right to (a) require the purchase of entire lots; and (b) allocate supply, to the extent such allocation is deemed necessary by Seller, among any or all customers (including Seller’s affiliates and distributors) at its sole discretion, without liability for any failure of performance which may result therefrom.
2.5 Seller shall determine the location of Services. If Services are provided at Seller’s site or a third-party site authorised by Seller, Purchaser shall be responsible for any shipping and transportation costs, including any insurance costs, if applicable. If Services are provided at Purchaser’s site or another site under Purchaser’s control, Purchaser shall (a) cooperate with Seller in all matters relating to the provision of Services and provide access to premises and facilities as may reasonably be necessary or requested, including a safe work environment; (b) promptly provide any requested materials, direction, information, approvals, authorisations, or decisions (“Information”); and (c) ensure that such Information is materially complete and accurate.
3.1 Purchaser shall (a) comply with all instructions, limitations, specifications, use statements or conditions of use made available by Seller, including but not limited to product data, product information, safety data sheets, limited use information and labelling (“Use Documents”), and (b) properly test, use, manufacture and market Products and/or materials produced with Products.
3.2 Purchaser acknowledges that Products are not tested for safety and efficacy in food, drug, medical device, cosmetic, commercial or any other use, unless otherwise explicitly stated in Use Documents. Purchaser is solely responsible for: (a) obtaining any necessary intellectual property permission related to the use of Products, (b) compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements and generally accepted industry standards, and (c) conducting all necessary testing and verification, including for fitness for the intended purpose.
3.3 If the applicable Use Documents, including but not limited to the limited use label licence, indicate that the Products are offered and sold for research purposes only, Purchaser has no express or implied authorisation from Seller to use such Products for any other purpose, including, without limitation, in vitro diagnostic purposes, in foods, drugs, medical devices or cosmetics for humans or animals or for commercial purposes. Purchaser shall not market, distribute, resell or export Products for any purpose, unless otherwise agreed by Seller in writing.
4.1 Purchaser shall inspect Products no later than five (5) days after receipt ("Inspection Period"). Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the received Products unless it notifies Seller in writing of any Nonconforming Products during the Inspection Period, furnishing evidence or other documentation if required. "Nonconforming Products" means only those delivered Products, or quantity thereof, which are different than identified in the Order Confirmation.
4.2 If notified in accordance with Section 4.1, Seller shall, in its sole discretion, (a) replace such Nonconforming Products with conforming Products, or (b) credit the price for such Nonconforming Products or, in the event of partial delivery, adjust the invoice to reflect the actual quantity delivered. Seller reserves the right to inspect Products. Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that the remedies set forth herein are the exclusive remedies for delivery of Nonconforming Products.
4.3 Any returns, if authorised, shall be handled in accordance with Section 8 below.
5.1 Purchaser shall purchase Products and Services from Seller at the prices offered by Seller, including but not limited to prices in a valid quotation or prices on a published price list valid as of date of the applicable Order Confirmation. If there is a price increase before Products are shipped, then the Agreement shall be construed as if the increased prices were originally inserted therein, and Purchaser shall be invoiced by Seller in accordance therewith.
5.2 All prices are exclusive of all sales, use, and excise taxes, duties, customs, tariffs, and any other similar taxes or charges of any kind imposed by any governmental authority or quasi-governmental authority on any amounts payable by Purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for all such taxes and charges; provided, however, that Purchaser shall not be responsible for any taxes imposed on, or with respect to, Seller's income, revenues, gross receipts, personal or real property, or other assets.
5.3 Unless otherwise agreed in the order, Purchaser shall pay all invoiced amounts within thirty (30) days from date of invoice to the specified bank account or as otherwise instructed.
If the payment terms agreed in the order are prepayment or Purchaser's remaining credit is less than the total order amount, Purchaser shall complete the payment within ten (10) working days after receiving the payment notice from Seller. Otherwise, without prejudice to Seller's other rights, Seller has the right to adjust the inventory or delivery plan or cancel the order directly.
5.4 Purchaser shall pay interest on all late payments at the lesser of (a) the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum above the base loan interest rate of People’s Bank of China or (b) the highest rate permissible under applicable law, calculated daily and compounded monthly. Purchaser shall reimburse Seller for all costs incurred in collecting any late payments, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees. In addition to all other remedies available under these Terms or at law, Seller may, without notice to Purchaser, delay or cancel delivery of Products and/or performance of Services and may, at its option, change the terms of payment with respect to any undelivered Products and/or unperformed Services.
5.5 Purchaser shall not withhold payment of any amounts due and payable hereunder by reason of any set-off of any claim or dispute with Seller.
6.1 If any software or Use Documents is provided or licensed by Seller to Purchaser, including software provided together or in connection with any Products or Services (“Software”), the terms provided with such Software or Use Documents shall apply. If there are no terms provided therewith, these Terms, including this Section 6, shall apply.
6.2 Seller grants Purchaser the right and licence to use the copy of the Software and the Use documents as provided by Seller. The licence rights granted herein may not be transferred to another party unless such party agrees in writing to comply with these Terms. In any case, Software provided together or in connection with any Products or Services shall not be transferred separately from such Products or Services.
6.3 The Software, Use Documents and related intellectual property rights including, without limitation, copyrights are owned by Seller, an affiliate, and/or certain suppliers of Seller or its affiliates, and title to the Software, Use Documents or respective intellectual property rights shall not pass to Purchaser or any other third party. Purchaser understands that its use of any third-party software is subject to, and it will comply with, the terms of any applicable third-party licence agreements or notices and to the rights of any other third-party owners or providers of software or firmware included in the Software.
6.4 Purchaser shall (a) only use the Software and Use Documents with Products or Services with or for which it is provided or for a purpose within the scope of the application for which it is provided, (b) not cause or permit any reverse engineering, disassembly, de-compilation, modification or adaptation of the Software or the combination of the Software with any other software, or (c) not move the Software to any country in violation of United States Foreign Asset Control Regulations or other applicable import or export control regulation.
6.5 Any replacements, fixes or upgrades of the Software shall be provided subject to the same restrictions and other provisions contained herein, unless such replacement, fix or upgrade is provided with a separate licence agreement. Any such replacements, fixes or upgrades shall be provided at prices and payment terms as specified by Seller.
7.1 Seller warrants to Purchaser that Products will conform to Seller's published specifications for (a) one (1) year from the date of shipment of Products or (b) the remaining shelf life or the period prior to the expiration date of Product, whichever is shorter.
7.2 Seller warrants that Services shall be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with generally recognised industry standards for similar services and Seller shall devote adequate resources to meet its obligations under the Agreement. Any claim that Seller has breached the obligation herein must be made within the ninety (90) day period after the performance of the applicable Services.
7.3 Seller warrants that the Software, including any upgrades thereto, will materially conform to published specifications for one (1) year from date of delivery.
7.4 Except for the warranties set forth above, Seller makes no warranty whatsoever with respect to Products (including any uses thereof), Services, the Software or any technical assistance or information that it provides, including (a) warranty of merchantability; (b) warranty of fitness for a particular purpose; or (c) warranty against infringement of intellectual property rights of a third party; whether express or implied by law, course of dealing, course of performance, usage of trade, or otherwise. Any suggestions by Seller regarding use, selection, application or suitability of Products shall not be construed as an express or implied warranty.
7.5 The limited warranties set forth above do not apply unless: (a) Purchaser gives written notice of the defect(s) to Seller immediately upon discovery; (b) if applicable, Seller is given reasonable opportunity to examine the relevant Products, Services or Software; and (c) the defect(s) are verified by Seller.
7.6 The limited warranty set forth in Section 7.1 does not apply if: (a) a defect arises as a result of a breach of the obligations in Section 3; (b) any unauthorized installation, repairs, modifications, upgrades, maintenance or other servicing of Products occurs; (c) a defect arises as a result of normal wear and tear or lack of proper maintenance; or (d) Products are used beyond the shelf life or expiration date as set forth in the applicable Use Documents.
7.7 The limited warranty set forth in Section 7.2 does not apply if an equipment failure or defect results directly or indirectly from the following: (a) non-compliance with Use Documents; (b) any misuse, theft, water flow-back, neglect or wrongful act by Purchaser, its contractors or agents; (c) accidents or shipping related damage; (d) electrical failure; (e) vandalism, explosion, flood or fire, weather or environmental conditions; or (f) any unauthorised installation, repairs, modifications, upgrades, maintenance or other servicing. If this limitation applies but Seller, at its sole discretion, elects to re-perform the applicable Services, Purchaser may be charged for fees and expenses, including but not limited to travel costs and any working time of Seller’s employees, contractors or agents (at list rate).
7.8 The limited warranty set forth in Section 7.3 does not apply to any defects arising out of or relating to (a) Purchaser’s breach of Section 6.4; (b) Purchaser’s failure to promptly install required updates; or (c) the operation of Purchaser or a third-party system or network.
7.9 Subject to the conditions set forth above in this Section, including the time limitations set forth in Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3, Seller shall, in its sole discretion (a) with respect to Products or Software, either repair or replace Products or Software (or the defective part thereof) and if Seller is unable to repair or replace, Seller shall credit the price of such Products, Software or the part thereof; or (b) with respect to Services, re-perform the applicable Services or credit the price of such Services at the pro rata contract rate. The remedies set forth herein shall be Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy and Seller's entire liability for any breach of its warranty.
Purchaser shall not return Products without Seller’s prior written consent. Seller reserves the right to inspect Products at Purchaser’s site and/or require disposal instead of return. All returns must be in compliance with Seller’s instructions, and if such return is caused by Purchaser, Seller has the right to charge twenty percent (20%) of the value of Products as logistic charge but no less than CNY two hundred (200) . Certain Products (e.g. diagnostic reagents (if any); refrigerated or frozen products; custom Products or special orders) may not be returned under any circumstances. Title to returned Products shall transfer to Seller upon acceptance at the facility designated by Seller. Any returned Products must be in their original packaging with the original label affixed, and unaltered in form and content.
9.1 Purchaser assumes all risk and liability for loss, damage or injury to persons or to property of Purchaser or others arising out of (a) the transport, storage or use of Products or Software, including infringement of any third-party intellectual property rights resulting from Purchaser’s specific use of Products or Software and (b) any provision or use of Services. If Seller's performance of its obligations is prevented or delayed by any act or omission of Purchaser, its agents or subcontractors, Seller shall not be deemed in breach of its obligations or otherwise liable for any costs, charges, or losses sustained or incurred by Purchaser or others, in each case, to the extent arising directly or indirectly from such prevention or delay.
9.2 Purchaser shall indemnify and hold Seller, its affiliates, and their respective agents, employees, and representatives, harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees) (a) arising from or in connection with the transport, storage, sale or use of Products, (b) resulting from Purchaser’s breach of the Agreement, and/or (c) arising from the negligence, recklessness or misconduct of Purchaser, its affiliates, or their respective agents, employees, partners or subcontractors.
9.3 Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, Seller shall not indemnify nor be liable to Purchaser or any person or entity for any claim, damage or loss arising out of the Products, including the sale, transport, storage, failure, use or distribution thereof, the provision of Services, or the licence of Software regardless of the theory of liability, including but not limited to warranty, negligence or strict liability. In addition, Seller shall not be liable for incidental, consequential, indirect, exemplary or special damages of any kind, including, without limitation, liability for loss of use, loss of work in progress, loss of revenue or profits, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, downtime costs, or any liability of Purchaser to a third party. The total liability of Seller hereunder shall not exceed the purchase price of Products or Services, or the licence fee of Software involved.
Purchaser shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and ordinances, including but not limited to those pertaining to the following: export control, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food preparations, electrical or electronic waste, introduction or production and use of chemical substances, regulated chemicals (e.g. “Regulations on the administration of MCCs”, “Regulations on the administration of drug precursor chemicals”, “Regulations on the administration of pesticides”, “Regulations on the administration of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”, and “Regulations on the safety management of hazardous chemicals” etc.), and bribery and corruption (e.g. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and UK Bribery Act). Purchaser shall maintain in effect all required licences, permissions, authorisations, consents, and permits. Purchaser shall comply with all applicable export and import laws in its purchase of Products hereunder and assumes all responsibility for all shipments governed by such laws. Seller may terminate the Agreement or suspend delivery if any governmental authority imposes antidumping or countervailing duties or any other penalties on Products.
In addition to any other remedies provided hereunder, Seller may immediately terminate the Agreement upon written notice if Purchaser: (a) fails to pay any amount when due; (b) has not otherwise performed or complied herewith, in whole or in part; or (c) becomes insolvent, files a petition for bankruptcy or commences or has commenced against it proceedings relating to bankruptcy, receivership, reorganisation , or assignment for the benefit of creditors.
All non-public, confidential or proprietary information, including but not limited to, specifications, samples, patterns, designs, plans, drawings, documents, data, business operations, customer lists, pricing, discounts, or rebates, disclosed by Seller to Purchaser, whether disclosed orally or disclosed or accessed in written, electronic or other form or media, and whether or not marked, designated, or otherwise identified as "confidential" is confidential and may not be disclosed or used by Purchaser for its own use, including but not limited to filing any patent applications disclosing or based on such confidential information, unless authorised in advance in writing by Seller. Upon request, Purchaser shall promptly return or destroy all documents and other materials received from Seller. Seller shall be entitled to injunctive relief for any violation of this section. This section does not apply to information that is: (a) in the public domain; (b) known to Purchaser at the time of disclosure; or (c) rightfully obtained by Purchaser on a non-confidential basis from a third party.
Neither party will be in default of any obligation under this Agreement (other than obligations to pay money) to the extent performance is prevented or delayed by a Force Majeure Event. A “Force Majeure Event” shall include any occurrence beyond the reasonable control of a party, including without limitation: act of nature (e.g., flood, earthquake or storm); war or terrorism; civil commotion or riot; epidemic or pandemic (e.g., COVID-19); destruction of facilities or materials; fire or explosion; labour disturbance or strike; laws, regulations, directives or orders of any government, regulatory or judicial authority; embargo, shortage of raw materials or labour; equipment failure; or failure of public utilities or common carriers. The party declaring a Force Majeure Event will notify the other party in writing, explaining the nature thereof, and will also notify the other party of the cessation of any such event. A party declaring a Force Majeure Event will use commercially reasonable efforts to remedy, remove, or mitigate such event and the effects thereof. Upon cessation of the Force Majeure Event, performance of any suspended obligation or duty will promptly recommence.
14.1 No Waiver. No waiver by Seller of any provisions of the Agreement is effective unless explicitly set forth in writing. No failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, remedy, power or privilege arising from the Agreement operates, or may be construed, as a waiver thereof.
14.2 Assignment. Purchaser shall not assign any of its rights or delegate any of its obligations under the Agreement without Seller’s prior written consent. Any purported assignment or delegation in violation hereof is null and void. No assignment or delegation relieves Purchaser of any of its obligations hereunder.
14.3 Relationship of the Parties. The relationship between the parties is that of independent contractors. Nothing contained in the Agreement shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership, joint venture or other form of joint enterprise, employment or fiduciary relationship between the parties, and neither party shall have authority to contract for or bind the other party in any manner whatsoever.
14.4 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns and nothing herein is intended to or shall confer upon any other person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit, or remedy of any nature.
14.5 Publicity and Use of Name. Purchaser shall not, without the prior written consent of Seller, (a) refer to Seller, its affiliates, Products or Services in any marketing, promotion or other publicity material, whether written or in electronic form, or (b) use proprietary brand names, trade marks, trade names, logos and other intellectual property owned by Seller or one of its affiliates.
14.6 Governing Law and Venue. All matters arising out of or relating to the Agreement are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of People’s Republic of China without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule. Any legal suit, action, or proceeding arising out of or relating to the Agreement shall be submitted to Shanghai International Arbitration Centre for binding arbitration in accordance with the then effective Arbitration Rules of Shanghai International Arbitration Centre, and each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such arbitration institution in any such suit, action, or proceeding.
14.7 Notices. Except if otherwise agreed upon by the parties, any notices required hereunder shall be made in writing and sent by courier service with tracking or registered or certified mail to the other party at its registered office or principal place of business or such other address as indicated by the receiving party.
14.8 Severability. If any term or provision of the Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of the Agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction.
14.9 Survival. Provisions hereof which by their nature should apply beyond their terms will remain in force after any termination or expiration of the Agreement including, but not limited to, the following provisions: Sections 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14.6 and 14.9.
14.10 Amendment and Modification. Except as otherwise set forth herein, the Agreement may only be amended or modified in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party.
14.11 Data Protection. Purchaser will request, process and use personal data (e.g. contact name and business addresses) from Seller to fulfil its obligations under the Agreement and for the continuing relationship management with Seller. Purchaser’s processing activities shall comply with applicable data protection law in PRC, including but not limited to the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China and its later amendments, Information Security Technology – Personal Information Security Specification (GB/T 35273-2020) and its later amendments.