On-Demand Webinar

Compacted Cell Culture Media - Improving Solubility and Stability

Duration: 1 Hour
Speaker: Nikolai Stankiewicz, Head of Technology Transfer Laboratory, Merck

Abstract: Dry powder cell culture media formulations provide many advantages with respect to shipping and storage. However to leverage these benefits, they need to be highly soluble, homogeneous and convenient to handle. An improvement of dry powder media properties can be achieved by the combination of optimized milling procedures and suitable formulation technologies. Starting from a homogeneous dry powder medium, the roller compaction technology is able to fix this homogeneity in larger compactate particles (> 1000 µm) so that de-mixing can be prevented. Additionally, the presented roller compaction offers several other advantages, specifically product stability, based on the fact that only pressure and no water is needed in the production process. Applying media as compactates also reduces dust formation and improves the flowability, making the handling of these cell culture media much more convenient. But the key advancement of using compacted media is the acceleration of the dissolution speed. In this webinar, we will present data underlining the advantages of compacted media and the stability of raw materials using UPLC and LC-MS methods completed with results from fed-batch cultivation experiments based on compacted cell culture media.

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