Presynaptic GABA(B) receptors decrease neurotransmitter release in vestibular nuclei neurons during vestibular compensation. Shao, M; Reddaway, R; Hirsch, JC; Peusner, KD Neuroscience
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Unilateral damage to the peripheral vestibular receptors precipitates a debilitating syndrome of oculomotor and balance deficits at rest, which extensively normalize during the first week after the lesion due to vestibular compensation. In vivo studies suggest that GABA(B) receptor activation facilitates recovery. However, the presynaptic or postsynaptic sites of action of GABA(B) receptors in vestibular nuclei neurons after lesions have not been determined. Accordingly, here presynaptic and postsynaptic GABA(B) receptor activity in principal cells of the tangential nucleus, a major avian vestibular nucleus, was investigated using patch-clamp recordings correlated with immunolabeling and confocal imaging of the GABA(B) receptor subunit-2 (GABA(B)R2) in controls and operated chickens shortly after unilateral vestibular ganglionectomy (UVG). Baclofen, a GABA(B) agonist, generated no postsynaptic currents in principal cells in controls, which correlated with weak GABA(B)R2 immunolabeling on principal cell surfaces. However, baclofen decreased miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (mEPSC) and GABAergic miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current (mIPSC) events in principal cells in controls, compensating and uncompensated chickens three days after UVG, indicating the presence of functional GABA(B) receptors on presynaptic terminals. Baclofen decreased GABAergic mIPSC frequency to the greatest extent in principal cells on the intact side of compensating chickens, with concurrent increases in GABA(B)R2 pixel brightness and percentage overlap in synaptotagmin 2-labeled terminals. In uncompensated chickens, baclofen decreased mEPSC frequency to the greatest extent in principal cells on the intact side, with concurrent increases in GABA(B)R2 pixel brightness and percentage overlap in synaptotagmin 1-labeled terminals. Altogether, these results revealed changes in presynaptic GABA(B) receptor function and expression which differed in compensating and uncompensated chickens shortly after UVG. This work supports an important role for GABA(B) autoreceptor-mediated inhibition in vestibular nuclei neurons on the intact side during early stages of vestibular compensation, and a role for GABA(B) heteroreceptor-mediated inhibition of glutamatergic terminals on the intact side in the failure to recover function. | 22871524
Adaptation of chicken vestibular nucleus neurons to unilateral vestibular ganglionectomy. M Shao,A Popratiloff,J Yi,A Lerner,J C Hirsch,K D Peusner Neuroscience
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Vestibular compensation refers to the behavioral recovery after a unilateral peripheral vestibular lesion. In chickens, posture and balance deficits are present immediately following unilateral vestibular ganglionectomy (UVG). After three days, most operated chickens begin to recover, but severe deficits persist in others. The tangential nucleus is a major avian vestibular nucleus whose principal cells are vestibular reflex projection neurons. From patch-clamp recordings on brain slices, the percentage of spontaneous spike firing principal cells, spike discharge rate, ionic conductances, and spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) were investigated one and three days after UVG. Already by one day after UVG, sEPSC frequency increased significantly on the lesion side, although no differences were detected in the percentage of spontaneous spike firing cells or discharge rate. In compensated chickens three days after UVG, the percentage of spontaneous spike firing cells increased on the lesion side and the discharge rate increased bilaterally. In uncompensated chickens three days after UVG, principal cells on the lesion side showed increased discharge rate and increased sEPSC frequency, whereas principal cells on the intact side were silent. Typically, silent principal cells exhibited smaller persistent sodium conductances and higher activation thresholds for the fast sodium channel than spiking cells. In addition, silent principal cells on the intact side of uncompensated chickens had larger dendrotoxin-sensitive potassium conductance, with a higher ratio of Kv1.1 surface/cytoplasmic expression. Increased sEPSC frequency in principal cells on the lesion side of uncompensated chickens was accompanied by decreased Kv1.2 immunolabeling of presynaptic terminals on principal cell bodies. Thus, both intrinsic ionic conductances and excitatory synaptic inputs play crucial roles at early stages after lesions. Unlike the principal cells in compensated chickens which showed similar percentages of spontaneous spike firing cells, discharge rates, and sEPSC frequencies bilaterally, principal cells in uncompensated chickens displayed gross asymmetry in these properties bilaterally. | 19375485
AMPA receptor subunit expression in chick vestibular nucleus neurons. Anastas Popratiloff, Ya-Xian Wang, Jared Narvid, Ronald S Petralia, Christian Giaume, Kenna D Peusner Journal of neuroscience research
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The principal cells of the chick tangential nucleus are vestibular nucleus neurons whose responses on vestibular nerve stimulation are abolished by glutamate receptor antagonists. Using confocal microscopy, we quantified immunolabeling for AMPA receptor subunits GluR1, GluR2, GluR2/3, and GluR4 in principal cells that were identified by the neuronal marker, microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2). This work was focused primarily on 9 days after hatching (H9) when the principal cells have acquired some important mature electrophysiologic properties. At H9, the principal cell bodies stained strongly with GluR2/3 and GluR4, whereas GluR1 and GluR2 produced weak signals. Moreover, GluR2/3 and GluR4 receptor subunit clusters in principal cell bodies and dendrites were localized at sites contacted by biocytin-labeled vestibular nerve terminals and synaptotagmin-labeled terminals. Developmental expression of AMPA receptor immunolabeling was studied in the principal cell bodies at embryonic day 16 (E16) and hatching (H1). At E16, labeling for GluR4 was already strong, and continued to increase at H1 and H9. In contrast, GluR2/3 labeling was weak at E16, but increased significantly at H1, and more so by H9. GluR1 and GluR2 were present at low levels at E16 and H1. From E16 to H9, overall AMPA receptor subunit expression increased steadily, with H9 showing the strongest labeling. Ultrastructural observations at E16 and H3 confirmed the presence of immunogold labeling for AMPA receptor subunits at the vestibular nerve and non-vestibular nerve synapses on the principal cell bodies. In summary, these results indicate that GluR3 and GluR4 are the major AMPA receptor subunits involved in excitatory synaptic transmission in principal cells during the perinatal period. | 15139025