Suppression of epileptogenesis-associated changes in response to seizures in FGF22-deficient mice. Lee, CH; Umemori, H Frontiers in cellular neuroscience
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In the developing hippocampus, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 22 promotes the formation of excitatory presynaptic terminals. Remarkably, FGF22 knockout (KO) mice show resistance to generalized seizures in adults as assessed by chemical kindling, a model that is widely used to study epileptogenesis (Terauchi et al., 2010). Repeated injections of low dose pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) induce generalized seizures ("kindled") in wild type (WT) mice. With additional PTZ injections, FGF22KO mice do show moderate seizures, but they do not kindle. Thus, analyses of how FGF22 impacts seizure susceptibility will contribute to the better understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of epileptogenesis. To decipher the roles of FGF22 in the seizure phenotype, we examine four pathophysiological changes in the hippocampus associated with epileptogenesis: enhancement of dentate neurogenesis, hilar ectopic dentate granule cells (DGCs), increase in hilar cell death, and formation of mossy fiber sprouting (MFS). Dentate neurogenesis is enhanced, hilar ectopic DGCs appeared, and hilar cell death is increased in PTZ-kindled WT mice relative to PBS-injected WT mice. Even in WT mice with fewer PTZ injections, which showed only mild seizures (so were not kindled), neurogenesis, hilar ectopic DGCs, and hilar cell death are increased, suggesting that mild seizures are enough to induce these changes in WT mice. In contrast, PTZ-injected FGF22KO mice do not show these changes despite having moderate seizures: neurogenesis is rather suppressed, hilar ectopic DGCs do not appear, and hilar cell death is unchanged in PTZ-injected FGF22KO mice relative to PBS-injected FGF22KO mice. These results indicate that FGF22 plays important roles in controlling neurogenesis, ectopic migration of DGCs, and hilar cell death after seizures, which may contribute to the generalized seizure-resistant phenotype of FGF22KO mice and suggests a possibility that inhibition of FGF22 may alleviate epileptogenesis. | 23616746
Suppressing aberrant GluN3A expression rescues synaptic and behavioral impairments in Huntington's disease models. Marco, S; Giralt, A; Petrovic, MM; Pouladi, MA; Martínez-Turrillas, R; Martínez-Hernández, J; Kaltenbach, LS; Torres-Peraza, J; Graham, RK; Watanabe, M; Luján, R; Nakanishi, N; Lipton, SA; Lo, DC; Hayden, MR; Alberch, J; Wesseling, JF; Pérez-Otaño, I Nature medicine
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Huntington's disease is caused by an expanded polyglutamine repeat in the huntingtin protein (HTT), but the pathophysiological sequence of events that trigger synaptic failure and neuronal loss are not fully understood. Alterations in N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) have been implicated. Yet, it remains unclear how the HTT mutation affects NMDAR function, and direct evidence for a causative role is missing. Here we show that mutant HTT redirects an intracellular store of juvenile NMDARs containing GluN3A subunits to the surface of striatal neurons by sequestering and disrupting the subcellular localization of the endocytic adaptor PACSIN1, which is specific for GluN3A. Overexpressing GluN3A in wild-type mouse striatum mimicked the synapse loss observed in Huntington's disease mouse models, whereas genetic deletion of GluN3A prevented synapse degeneration, ameliorated motor and cognitive decline and reduced striatal atrophy and neuronal loss in the YAC128 Huntington's disease mouse model. Furthermore, GluN3A deletion corrected the abnormally enhanced NMDAR currents, which have been linked to cell death in Huntington's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. Our findings reveal an early pathogenic role of GluN3A dysregulation in Huntington's disease and suggest that therapies targeting GluN3A or pathogenic HTT-PACSIN1 interactions might prevent or delay disease progression. | 23852340
Neurochemical characterization of insulin receptor-expressing primary sensory neurons in wild-type and vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor knockout mice. Djalil Baiou,Peter Santha,Antonio Avelino,Ana Charrua,Timea Bacskai,Klara Matesz,Francisco Cruz,Istvan Nagy The Journal of comparative neurology
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The insulin receptor (IR) is expressed by a subpopulation of primary sensory neurons (PSN), including a proportion of cells expressing the nociceptive transducer vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor (TRPV1). Recent data suggest functional links between the IR and other receptors, including TRPV1, which could be involved in the development of PSN malfunctions in pathological insulin secretion. Here we used combined immunohistochemical labelling on sections from L4-5 dorsal root ganglia of wild-type (WT) and TRPV1 knockout (KO) mice to examine the neurochemical properties of IR-expressing PSN and the possible effect of deletion of TRPV1 on those characteristics. We found that antibodies raised against the high-molecular-weight neurofilament (NF-200) and the neurofilament protein peripherin distinguished between small and large neurons. We also found that the IR was expressed predominantly by the small peripherin-immunopositive cells both in the WT and in the KO animals. IR expression, however, did not show any preference between the major subpopulations of the small cells, the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-expressing and Bandeiraea simplicifolia isolectin B4 (IB4)-binding neurons, either in the WT or in the KO mice. Nevertheless, a significant proportion of the IR-expressing cells also expressed TRPV1. Comparison of the staining pattern of these markers showed no difference between WT and KO animals. These findings indicate that the majority of the IR-expressing PSN are small neurons, which are considered as nociceptive cells. Furthermore, these data show that deletion of the TRPV1 gene does not induce any additional changes in neurochemical phenotype of nociceptive PSN. | 17492627
Immunohistochemical localization of histamine receptor subtypes in human inferior turbinates. Muneo Nakaya, Naonobu Takeuchi, Kenji Kondo The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology
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Histamine is an important chemical mediator in allergic rhinitis and plays an important role in eliciting the nasal symptoms of the disorder. However, the immunohistochemical localization of histamine receptor subtypes (H1R, H2R, H3R, and H4R) in human nasal mucosa is unknown. There are also no prior studies of H3R and H4R in human nasal mucosa. The objective of this study was to examine the distribution of histamine receptor subtypes in the human inferior turbinates by an immunohistochemical method. H1R was localized primarily in the epithelium, vessels, and nerves. H2R was localized primarily in the epithelium and the glands. H3R and H4R were clearly distributed on the nerves. In addition, H1R, H3R, and H4R were clearly localized on the same nerves. This result indicates that H1R, H3R, and H4R adjoin and regulate each other in the same nerves. All histamine receptor subtypes may play some role in patients with allergic rhinitis. | 15274415
The immunological relatedness of neurofilament proteins of higher vertebrates. Shaw, G, et al. Eur. J. Cell Biol., 34: 130-6 (1984)
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We prepared intermediate filaments from the nervous system of several different species, representing mammals, birds and reptiles. These were examined using a panel of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies originally raised against pig or rat neurofilament proteins. All species studied possessed a single major protein of apparent molecular weight between 68 K and 75 K immunologically related to the lowest molecular weight rat and pig neurofilament protein. All birds and mammals possessed two proteins immunologically related respectively to the pig and rat middle and high molecular weight neurofilament proteins. These data show that the neurofilament triplet proteins represent an evolutionarily conserved three member protein family in birds and mammals, and allow us to suggest a new nomenclature for these three homologous proteins: "H" for the heaviest subunit, "M" for the middle subunit and "L" for the lightest subunit. We found that many monoclonal antibodies stained both the H- and M-proteins of all mammalian and avian species examined, suggesting a close immunological relatedness between these two proteins. The reptiles examined appeared to have only one high molecular weight protein, which was immunologically related to both of the high molecular weight mammalian and avian neurofilament proteins. We also noted a curious situation in neurofilament preparations derived from cows. Both the highest and the middle cow neurofilament proteins were stained by all antibodies which were specific solely for the high molecular weight protein in other species. | 6203748
Antibodies to intermediate filaments as diagnostic tools: human gastrointestinal carcinomas express prekeratin. Altmannsberger, M, et al. Lab. Invest., 46: 520-6 (1982)
| 6176780
Monoclonal cytokeratin antibodies that distinguish simple from stratified squamous epithelia: characterization on human tissues. Debus, E, et al. EMBO J., 1: 1641-7 (1982)
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Four monoclonal antibodies designated CK1 - CK4 were obtained from fusions of mouse myeloma F0 cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with cytoskeletal preparations made by treatment of human HeLa cells with non-ionic detergents. These IgG1 type antibodies all recognize, in immune blots, cytokeratin 18 (45 kd, pI 5.7) in the catalogue of 19 human cytokeratin species developed by Moll et al. (1982). Immunofluorescence microscopy on human material shows that CK1 - CK4 stain a wide variety of simple epithelia (e.g., intestine, respiratory and urinary systems, liver, glandular epithelia) but do not stain stratified squamous epithelia (e.g., oesophagus, epidermis) or non-epithelial cells. The immunofluorescence results, developed mainly by gel electrophoresis, support the concept of cytokeratin divergence in different epithelia and clarify, for cytokeratin 18, some unsolved problems posed by high tissue complexity. CK2 appears specific for human, CK1 and CK3 for primates, while CK4 shows broad cross-species reactivity. Thus, CK1 - CK4 appear to be valuable tools for cytokeratin typing and initial experiments also suggest that they can be used to further subdivide human tumours of epithelial origin. | 6202511