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Scelga pannelli su misura e kit premiscelati, OPPURE le microsfere MAPmates™ per la trasduzione del segnale
Progetti e calcoli il prezzo dei Suoi kit MILLIPLEX® MAP.
Pannelli su misura e kit premiscelati
La nostra ampia gamma comprende pannelli multiplex che consentono di scegliere, nell'ambito del pannello, gli analiti più adatti per le Sue esigenze. Oppure Lei può scegliere le citochine premiscelate o i kit single plex.
Kit e MAPmates™ per studi di trasduzione del segnale
Scelga i kit premiscelati che permettono di esplorare interi processi e pathway. Oppure progetti kit su misura scegliendo le microsfere MAPmates™ single plex e seguendo le linee guida fornite.
Le seguenti MAPmates™ non possono essere dosate insieme: -MAPmates™ che richiedono tamponi differenti per l'analisi. -MAPmate™ fosfo-specifiche e totali, es GSK3β totale e GSK3β (Ser 9). -MAPmates™ PanTyr e sito-specifiche come fosfo-recettore EGF e fosfo-STAT1 (Tyr701). -Più di 1 fosfo-MAPmate™ per un solo bersaglio (Akt, STAT3). -GAPDH e β-Tubulina non possono essere miscelati con kit o MAPmates™ contenenti panTyr.
Numero di catalogo
Descrizione dell'ordine
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Selezioni una specie, un tipo di pannello, un kit o un tipo di campione
Per cominciare a progettare il Suo kit MILLIPLEX® MAP, selezioni una specie, un tipo di pannello o un kit di Suo interesse.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Catalogue Number
Ordering Description
Questo articolo è stato aggiunto ai prodotti preferiti.
Tipo di pannello
Kit selezionato
Numero di catalogo
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Prezzo di listino
96-Well Plate
Numero di catalogo
Descrizione dell'ordine
Prezzo di listino
Aggiungi altri reagenti (Le microsfere MAPmate devono essere utilizzate con un tampone ed un kit di rilevazione)
Numero di catalogo
Descrizione dell'ordine
Prezzo di listino
Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Opzione salva-spazio I Clienti che ordinano diversi kit possono scegliere di ridurre lo spazio necessario per lo stoccaggio, rinunciando al confezionamento del kit e ricevendo i vari reagenti per il saggio multiplex in buste di plastica.
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Il prodotto è stato aggiunto al carrello.
Ora può disegnare un altro kit su misura, scegliere un kit premiscelato, procedere con il check out dell'ordine, oppure chiudere lo strumento per gli ordini on-line.
Successful polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is crucial for amplifying DNA sequences in order to study their function, either by sequencing, mutation, transcription, or expression of gene products. PCR involves replication of the DNA template by a thermostable DNA polymerase. The processivity, specificity, and fidelity of the polymerase enzyme used can largely determine the efficiency, reproducibility, and yield of the PCR reaction.
Merck’s molecular biologists work to develop the newest, best performing polymerases for customer use, optimizing conditions, buffer compositions, and cycling parameters to save you valuable time and resources.
“We started to use KOD Xtreme Hot Start DNA polymerase for long range PCR when screening ES cells. We found that it is more robust at amplifying targets > 3kb in length and produces cleaner, more interpretable bands than other polymerases.”
University of Connecticut, Gene Targeting and Transgenic Facility
Choose the Appropriate Thermostable Polymerase for PCR Applications:
KOD DNA Polymerase
KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase
KOD XL DNA Polymerase
KOD Xtreme™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase
PCR Product Size (kb)
Cloning, cDNA amplification
Cloning, cDNA amplification
Crude samples, multiplex, incorporation of derivatized dNTPs
Crude samples, long targets, difficult and GC-rich targets
KOD-XL DNA polymerase amplification results in a mixture of blunt and 3’-dA products while other KOD DNA polymerases generate blunt end products.
NovaTaq™ is also available for routine PCR.
KOD DNA Polymerase Is a Highly Efficient Proof Reading Enzyme.
KOD DNA Polymerase
Pfu DNA Polymerase
Taq DNA Polymerase
Thermococcus kodakaraensis
Pyrococcus furiosus
Thermus aquaticus YT-1
Fidelity† (mutation frequency)
Elongation rate (bases/second)
Processivity (nucleotide bases)
not determined
† Fidelity was measured by the authors as mutation frequency in PCR products using a sensitive blue/white phenotypic assay with a 5.2-kb lacZ plasmid as template.
KOD Hot Start DNA Polymerase
This enzyme provides the highest accuracy, yield and processivity of our proofreading DNA polymerases. High processivity provides more product, enabling quick, reliable gene amplification. KOD Hot Start polymerase amplifies genomic DNA up to 12 kbp and plasmid DNA up to 21 kbp, including GC-rich regions. The polymerase is also available as mastermix for high throughput and standardization.
Cycle Profile A
Cycle Profile B
Cycle Profile C
Cycle Profile D
Initial denaturation
98°C 30 s
94°C 2 min
95°C 2 min
95°C 2 min
29 cycles
8°C 10 s 55°C 20 s 72°C 30 s
94°C 15 s 52°C 20 s 68°C 60 s
95°C 20 s 55°C 20 s 72°C 30 s
95°C 20 s 55°C 10 s 70°C 15 s
Final extension
72°C 5 min
68°C 5 min
72°C 3 min
KOD Xtreme™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase
Use this optimized PCR system to reliably amplify long or challenging DNA templates (up to 90% GC content). Ideal for amplifying crude samples with minimal sample preparation, this kit translates into less reagents and less time spent on PCR.
KOD polymerase yields more product in fewer cycles compared to other PCR enzymes. Yields were determined by PicoGreen analysis after 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29 cycles for all 4 cycling profiles. The best yield data for each enzyme, from any cycling profile, were graphed. The cycling profile that gave the best yield is identified in parentheses. The shaded area highlights yields in cycles 19-25, which are most preferred for cloning. KOD-HS DNA polymerase out-performed the competition.
KOD Xtreme™ Hot Start Polymerase amplifies GC-rich targets more efficiently than other polymerases. Six polymerases shown were used to amplify a 90% GC-containing region of human IGF2R [NM_000876] from HeLa cell cDNA. PCR cycling parameters for KOD Xtreme™ polymerase were: initial denaturation at 94 ºC for 2 min, 30 cycles at 98 ºC for 10 s, and 68 ºC for 9 min. For polymerases from other manufacturers, optimal recommended parameters were used.
For superior resolution of DNA fragments, especially small fragments (<1000 bp and PCR products), use OmniPur Agarose PCR Plus. OmniPur Products represent a grade of molecular biology reagents that are of the highest quality and deliver consistent performance from lot to lot. Each lot of OmniPur grade reagents is tested for the absence of DNase, RNase, and protease for safe use in tissue and cell culture applications. OmniPur Agarose PCR Plus features average gel strength, standard melting and gelling ranges, and is specifically designed to prevent smearing or high flurorescence backgrounds. Plus, this low electroendosmosis (EEO) agarose offers high electrophoretic mobility for shorter electrophoretic runs.