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News Release
January 29, 2014
Contact: Pegeen DosSantos
Phone: +1 781-533-5336

Merck Millipore Expands its EMPROVE® Raw Materials Portfolio to 400 Products
  • Portfolio now includes 400 active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients and biopharmaceutical materials
  • Application-specific documentation streamlines pharmaceutical process and reduces qualification costs
  • Increases patient safety by avoiding errors inherent in manual documentation

January 29, 2014, Darmstadt, Germany — Merck Millipore, the Life Science division of Merck, today announced the expansion of its EMPROVE® raw materials portfolio to 400 active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients and biopharmaceutical materials. The products offer comprehensive application-specific documentation in addition to superior quality, allowing pharmaceutical manufacturers to reduce qualification costs and accelerate time-to-market processes.

The portfolio includes EMPROVE® api for active pharmaceutical ingredients, EMPROVE® exp for excipients and EMPROVE® bio for biopharmaceutical materials – all of which provide the documentation needed to improve transparency and more efficiently receive necessary approvals. The ready-to-use documentation, prepared in an internationally accepted format, prevents the errors that can result from gathering the information manually, minimizing risk to patients. The pre-compiled information also helps streamline the pharmaceutical process by saving both time and money.

Depending on the application, the EMPROVE® documentation can contain information such as manufacturer and manufacturing process details, testing procedures, purity and stability data. The active pharmaceutical ingredients are manufactured according to cGMP guideline ICH Q7, the excipients are EXCiPACT™ certified and the biopharmaceutical materials can be used in both upstream and downstream process steps.

“We are proud to reach the milestone of offering 400 different EMPROVE® raw materials to our customers,” said Dr. Matthias Bucerius, Head of Pharma Raw Materials. “This product line has a long-standing history of combining reliability and safety with our deep knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry’s ever-changing regulatory requirements, supporting our efforts to help our customers to secure final approvals more efficiently.”

For more information on the EMPROVE® product line, please visit

About Merck Millipore
Merck Millipore is the Life Science division of Merck KGaA of Germany and offers a broad range of innovative, performance products, services and business relationships that enable our customers’ success in research, development and production of biotech and pharmaceutical drug therapies. Through dedicated collaboration on new scientific and engineering insights, and as one of the top three R&D investors in the Life Science Tools industry, Merck Millipore serves as a strategic partner to customers and helps advance the promise of life science.

Headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts, the division has around 10,000 employees, operations in 66 countries and 2012 revenues of € 2.6 billion. Merck Millipore operates as EMD Millipore in the U.S. and Canada.

Note: Merck KGaA or Merck shall mean Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

About Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany  
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, is a global pharmaceutical, chemical and life science company with total revenues of € 11.2 billion in 2012, a history that began in 1668, and a future shaped by approx. 39,000 employees in 66 countries. Its success is characterized by innovations from entrepreneurial employees. Merck KGaA's operating activities come under the umbrella of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, in which the Merck family holds an approximately 70% interest and shareholders own the remaining approximately 30%. In 1917 the U.S. subsidiary Merck & Co. was expropriated and has been an independent company ever since.

Worldwide there are two separate companies that bear the name “Merck”, the original Merck KGaA from Darmstadt, Germany, the oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company in the world, and the pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. in the United States. The rights to the name and trademark MERCK in North America (USA and Canada) lie with Merck & Co., the former U.S. subsidiary of Merck, whereas Merck KGaA operates in North America under the umbrella brand EMD. In the rest of the world, Merck KGaA owns the rights to the Merck name and trademark.