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  • (288)
  • (181)
  • (73)
  • (72)
  • (67)
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  • (233)
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  • (144)
  • (61)
  • (30)
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  • (5)
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  • (344)
  • (192)
  • (181)
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  • (59)
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  • (587)
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  • (481)
  • (426)
  • (12)
  • (10)


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Opticap XL et XLT avec membrane Viresolve NFR

Viresolve NFR filters with Retropore® membrane quickly and efficiently remove retroviruses from recombinant protein solutions or human plasma sources.

Filtres capsules Opticap XL et XLT avec membrane Durapore Multilayer 0,45/0,22 µm

Opticap XL and XLT capsule filters eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings.

Filtres capsules Opticap XL avec média Lifegard

Opticap XL capsule filters eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings.

Filtres capsules Opticap XL avec média Clarigard

Opticap XL capsule filters eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings.

Filtres capsules Opticap XL avec média Polygard-CN

Opticap XL capsule filters eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings.

Filtres capsules Opticap XL avec média Polygard-CR

Opticap XL capsule filters eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings.

Opticap XL et XLT avec membrane Viresolve NFP

Viresolve NFP filters with Viresolve NFP (Normal Flow Parvovirus) membranes clear parvovirus from recombinant or human plasma sources, without compromising flow rates.

Filtres capsules jetables Opticap XL et XLT avec média Polysep II

Opticap XL and XLT capsule filters eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings.

Filtres capsules jetables Opticap XL et XLT avec membranes Durapore 0,1 µm et 0,22 µm hydrophiles

Sterilizing-grade 0.1 µm and 0.22 µm hydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes are low protein binding and provide sterility assurance, high flow rates and throughputs.

Filtres capsules jetables Opticap XL avec membrane Durapore hydrophobe 0,22 µm

Reliable filters for the sterile filtration of gases and liquids. Eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings.