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Support de filtration sous vide MultiScreenHTS

For vacuum filtration of 96 and 384 samples

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Guide d'achat

Support de filtration sous vide MultiScreenHTS à utiliser avec les plaques de filtration MultiScreenHTS à 96 et 384 puits, ainsi qu'avec les plaques de filtration MultiScreen Solvinert et Solvinert Deep WellSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
MSVMHTS00Support de filtration sous vide MultiScreenHTS
  • comprend la base, le cadre pour plaque standard, les joints, les grilles, tous les tuyaux, les vannes et le manomètre
1 Prix & Disponibilité

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Adaptateurs pour support de filtration sous vide MultiScreenHTSSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
MSVMHTS0DCadre pour plaque MultiScreen Deep Well 1 Prix & Disponibilité
MSVMHTS0HSocle pour cadre, pour automatisation 1 Prix & Disponibilité

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Pièces de rechangeSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
MSVMHTS04Jeu de joints de rechange 1 Prix & Disponibilité
MSVMHTS06Vanne marche/arrêt complète 1 Prix & Disponibilité
MSVMHTS10Vanne de contrôle complète 1 Prix & Disponibilité
MSVMHTS07Manomètre de vide complet 1 Prix & Disponibilité
MSVMHTS08Cadre pour plaque standard avec joint 1 Prix & Disponibilité
MSVMHTS09Tuyau de rechange, 10' (3 m) 1 Prix & Disponibilité

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Support de filtration sous vide MultiScreen à utiliser avec les plaques de filtration MultiScreen standards (non HTS)Supprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
MAVM0960RSupport de filtration sous vide MultiScreen 96 puits
  • comprend la base, le cadre pour plaque standard avec joints, la grille support, tous les tuyaux, les vannes et le manomètre
1 Prix & Disponibilité

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Pompe à vide – AccessoiresSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
SLFG05010Unité de filtration Millex-FG, 0,20 µm, PTFE hydrophobe, 50 mm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
WP6110060Pompe à vide/pression résistante aux solvants, 100 V/50–60 Hz 1 Prix & Disponibilité
WP6111560Pompe à vide/pression résistante aux solvants, 115 V/60 Hz 1 Prix & Disponibilité
WP6122050Pompe à vide/pression résistante aux solvants, 220 V/50 Hz 1 Prix & Disponibilité

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Plaques de récupérationSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
MSCPNPS00Plaque de récupération 96 puits, transparente, non stérile Non stérile 100 Prix & Disponibilité
MSCPNPP00Plaque de récupération 96 puits à fond en V Non stérile 100 Prix & Disponibilité
MSCPNUV40Plaque de récupération 96 puits pour l'analyse UV, non stérile Non stérile 40 Prix & Disponibilité
MDCPN2M50Plaque de récupération 96 puits Deep Well, polypropylène Non stérile 50 Prix & Disponibilité

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Film adhésif pour sceller les plaquesSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
MATAHCL00Film adhésif pour sceller les plaques MultiScreen, transparent, non stérile Non stérile 100 Prix & Disponibilité

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Références bibliographiques

Aperçu de la référence bibliographiqueApplication
Method for Simultaneous Measurement of Antibodies to 23 Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides
Raymond Biagini, Sonela Schlottmann, Deborah Sammons, Jerome Smith, John Snawder, Cynthia Striley, Barbara MacKenzie, and David Weisssman
Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology September 2003, p 744-750, Vol. 10, No. 5  2003

A non-radiolabelled ferriprotoporphyrin IX biomineralisation inhibition test for the high throughput screening of antimalarial compounds.
E. Deharo, R. N. Garcia, P. Oporto, A. Gimenez, M. Sauvain, V. Jullian and H. Ginsburg
Experimental Parasitology 100 (4): 252-256  2002

Use of Multiscreen plates for the preparation of bacterial DNA suitable for PCR
Reek FH, Smits MA, Kamp EM, Smith HE
Biotechniques. 1995 Aug;19(2):282-5  1994

High-Throughput Microplate Format for Producing and Screening Riboprobes from Bacterial Cells
Matthews, P.D. and Wurtzel, E.T.
BioTechniques. 18: 6, 1000 – 1004  1994

Nucleic Acid Purification and Concentration


What plates are compatible with the MultiScreen manifold?In general, all manufacturers' plates fit the vacuum manifold.
I’m not getting good vacuum while using the MultiScreen vacuum manifold, what can I do?Press down on the MultiScreen plate to form a good seal with the manifold. (This is normal for the low vacuum used). Make sure all wells of the filter plate are either “wet” or sealed with adhesive tape. Check all tubing connections to make sure they are tight. See the MultiScreen Vacuum manifold operators guide for more detailed troubleshooting information.
What plates can be used with the MultiScreen HTS manifold (Catalogue number MSVMHTS00)?All MultiScreen HTS platform filter plates, Solvinert and Solvinert Deep Well plates can be used with the HTS manifold.
Can the classic MultiScreen plates be run on the HTS manifold?Only in filter to waste mode. The HTS plates should be used with the HTS manifold for the most benefit.
Can the MultiScreen HTS manifold be used with Millipore's genomics application plates (plamid prep, pcr cleanup, sequence reaction clean up)?Filter to waste modes work, but not filtrate collection, so using the clearing plate with the plamid plate will not work. Millipore's genomics plates have not been validated on the HTS manifold. Please contact technical service for more information at 1-800-645-5476.
If using the MultiScreen HTS manifold, when do I have to use the droplet trap array?The droplet trap array should be used when filtering a 384 well plate to waste.
If the deep well collar sold with the MultiScreen HTS manifold or is it sold seperately?The deep well collar is sold as an accessory to the MultiScreen HTS manifold; it does not come with the manifold. The catalogue number is MSVMHTS0D.
When using the MultiScreen HTS manifold, can I filter to waste when using a shallow well plate?Yes. The classic grid should be in place for removeable underdrain HTS plates or the collar gasket frame should be in place for Solvinert plates.
When using the MultiScreen HTS vacuum manifold, can I filter to waste when using a deep well plate?Yes. The deep well plate should be placed on top of the manifold collar with the clear gasket support installed.
When using the MultiScreen HTS manifold, how can I test to see if the manifold is properly installed and/or that I have enough vacuum for my application?The easiest way to test the manifold and/or set vacuum pressures is to put the collar on the base with nothing inside and place a collection (plastic bottom) plate on the top. You can now adjust the vacuum to the desired level.

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Life Science Research > Cell Culture and Systems > Cell Culture Flasks, Plates, & Slides > Multiwell Plates