Establishment of Trophectoderm Cell Lines from Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Embryos of Different Sources and Examination of In Vitro Developmental Competence, Quality, Epigenetic Status and Gene Expression in Cloned Embryos Derived from Them. Mohapatra, SK; Sandhu, A; Singh, KP; Singla, SK; Chauhan, MS; Manik, R; Palta, P PloS one
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Despite being successfully used to produce live offspring in many species, somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) has had a limited applicability due to very low (greater than 1%) live birth rate because of a high incidence of pregnancy failure, which is mainly due to placental dysfunction. Since this may be due to abnormalities in the trophectoderm (TE) cell lineage, TE cells can be a model to understand the placental growth disorders seen after NT. We isolated and characterized buffalo TE cells from blastocysts produced by in vitro fertilization (TE-IVF) and Hand-made cloning (TE-HMC), and compared their growth characteristics and gene expression, and developed a feeder-free culture system for their long-term culture. The TE-IVF cells were then used as donor cells to produce HMC embryos following which their developmental competence, quality, epigenetic status and gene expression were compared with those of HMC embryos produced using fetal or adult fibroblasts as donor cells. We found that although TE-HMC and TE-IVF cells have a similar capability to grow in culture, significant differences exist in gene expression levels between them and between IVF and HMC embryos from which they are derived, which may have a role in the placental abnormalities associated with NT pregnancies. Although TE cells can be used as donor cells for producing HMC blastocysts, their developmental competence and quality is lower than that of blastocysts produced from fetal or adult fibroblasts. The epigenetic status and expression level of many important genes is different in HMC blastocysts produced using TE cells or fetal or adult fibroblasts or those produced by IVF. | 26053554
MAF1 represses CDKN1A through a Pol III-dependent mechanism. Lee, YL; Li, YC; Su, CH; Chiao, CH; Lin, IH; Hsu, MT eLife
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MAF1 represses Pol III-mediated transcription by interfering with TFIIIB and Pol III. Herein, we found that MAF1 knockdown induced CDKN1A transcription and chromatin looping concurrently with Pol III recruitment. Simultaneous knockdown of MAF1 with Pol III or BRF1 (subunit of TFIIIB) diminished the activation and looping effect, which indicates that recruiting Pol III was required for activation of Pol II-mediated transcription and chromatin looping. Chromatin-immunoprecipitation analysis after MAF1 knockdown indicated enhanced binding of Pol III and BRF1, as well as of CFP1, p300, and PCAF, which are factors that mediate active histone marks, along with the binding of TATA binding protein (TBP) and POLR2E to the CDKN1A promoter. Simultaneous knockdown with Pol III abolished these regulatory events. Similar results were obtained for GDF15. Our results reveal a novel mechanism by which MAF1 and Pol III regulate the activity of a protein-coding gene transcribed by Pol II. | 26067234
Chromatin Signature Identifies Monoallelic Gene Expression Across Mammalian Cell Types. Nag, A; Vigneau, S; Savova, V; Zwemer, LM; Gimelbrant, AA G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
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Monoallelic expression of autosomal genes (MAE) is a widespread epigenetic phenomenon which is poorly understood, due in part to current limitations of genome-wide approaches for assessing it. Recently, we reported that a specific histone modification signature is strongly associated with MAE and demonstrated that it can serve as a proxy of MAE in human lymphoblastoid cells. Here, we use murine cells to establish that this chromatin signature is conserved between mouse and human and is associated with MAE in multiple cell types. Our analyses reveal extensive conservation in the identity of MAE genes between the two species. By analyzing MAE chromatin signature in a large number of cell and tissue types, we show that it remains consistent during terminal cell differentiation and is predominant among cell-type specific genes, suggesting a link between MAE and specification of cell identity. | 26092837
Hierarchical clustering of breast cancer methylomes revealed differentially methylated and expressed breast cancer genes. Lin, IH; Chen, DT; Chang, YF; Lee, YL; Su, CH; Cheng, C; Tsai, YC; Ng, SC; Chen, HT; Lee, MC; Chen, HW; Suen, SH; Chen, YC; Liu, TT; Chang, CH; Hsu, MT PloS one
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Oncogenic transformation of normal cells often involves epigenetic alterations, including histone modification and DNA methylation. We conducted whole-genome bisulfite sequencing to determine the DNA methylomes of normal breast, fibroadenoma, invasive ductal carcinomas and MCF7. The emergence, disappearance, expansion and contraction of kilobase-sized hypomethylated regions (HMRs) and the hypomethylation of the megabase-sized partially methylated domains (PMDs) are the major forms of methylation changes observed in breast tumor samples. Hierarchical clustering of HMR revealed tumor-specific hypermethylated clusters and differential methylated enhancers specific to normal or breast cancer cell lines. Joint analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation data of normal breast and breast cancer cells identified differentially methylated and expressed genes associated with breast and/or ovarian cancers in cancer-specific HMR clusters. Furthermore, aberrant patterns of X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) was found in breast cancer cell lines as well as breast tumor samples in the TCGA BRCA (breast invasive carcinoma) dataset. They were characterized with differentially hypermethylated XIST promoter, reduced expression of XIST, and over-expression of hypomethylated X-linked genes. High expressions of these genes were significantly associated with lower survival rates in breast cancer patients. Comprehensive analysis of the normal and breast tumor methylomes suggests selective targeting of DNA methylation changes during breast cancer progression. The weak causal relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression observed in this study is evident of more complex role of DNA methylation in the regulation of gene expression in human epigenetics that deserves further investigation. | 25706888
Genome-wide co-occupancy of AML1-ETO and N-CoR defines the t(8;21) AML signature in leukemic cells. Trombly, DJ; Whitfield, TW; Padmanabhan, S; Gordon, JA; Lian, JB; van Wijnen, AJ; Zaidi, SK; Stein, JL; Stein, GS BMC genomics
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Many leukemias result from chromosomal rearrangements. The t(8;21) chromosomal translocation produces AML1-ETO, an oncogenic fusion protein that compromises the function of AML1, a transcription factor critical for myeloid cell differentiation. Because of the pressing need for new therapies in the treatment of acute myleoid leukemia, we investigated the genome-wide occupancy of AML1-ETO in leukemic cells to discover novel regulatory mechanisms involving AML-ETO bound genes.We report the co-localization of AML1-ETO with the N-CoR co-repressor to be primarily on genomic regions distal to transcriptional start sites (TSSs). These regions exhibit over-representation of the motif for PU.1, a key hematopoietic regulator and member of the ETS family of transcription factors. A significant discovery of our study is that genes co-occupied by AML1-ETO and N-CoR (e.g., TYROBP and LAPTM5) are associated with the leukemic phenotype, as determined by analyses of gene ontology and by the observation that these genes are predominantly up-regulated upon AML1-ETO depletion. In contrast, the AML1-ETO/p300 gene network is less responsive to AML1-ETO depletion and less associated with the differentiation block characteristic of leukemic cells. Furthermore, a substantial fraction of AML1-ETO/p300 co-localization occurs near TSSs in promoter regions associated with transcriptionally active loci.Our findings establish a novel and dominant t(8;21) AML leukemia signature characterized by occupancy of AML1-ETO/N-CoR at promoter-distal genomic regions enriched in motifs for myeloid differentiation factors, thus providing mechanistic insight into the leukemic phenotype. | 25928846
A balance between activating and repressive histone modifications regulates cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) expression in vivo. Bergougnoux, A; Rivals, I; Liquori, A; Raynal, C; Varilh, J; Magalhães, M; Perez, MJ; Bigi, N; Des Georges, M; Chiron, R; Squalli-Houssaini, AS; Claustres, M; De Sario, A Epigenetics
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The genetic mechanisms that regulate CFTR, the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis, have been widely investigated in cultured cells. However, mechanisms responsible for tissue-specific and time-specific expression are not completely elucidated in vivo. Through the survey of public databases, we found that the promoter of CFTR was associated with bivalent chromatin in human embryonic stem (ES) cells. In this work, we analyzed fetal (at different stages of pregnancy) and adult tissues and showed that, in digestive and lung tissues, which expressed CFTR, H3K4me3 was maintained in the promoter. Histone acetylation was high in the promoter and in two intronic enhancers, especially in fetal tissues. In contrast, in blood cells, which did not express CFTR, the bivalent chromatin was resolved (the promoter was labeled by the silencing mark H3K27me3). Cis-regulatory sequences were associated with lowly acetylated histones. We also provide evidence that the tissue-specific expression of CFTR is not regulated by dynamic changes of DNA methylation in the promoter. Overall, this work shows that a balance between activating and repressive histone modifications in the promoter and intronic enhancers results in the fine regulation of CFTR expression during development, thereby ensuring tissue specificity. | 24782114
Differentiation-dependent requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in imprinted X-chromosome inactivation. Maclary, E; Buttigieg, E; Hinten, M; Gayen, S; Harris, C; Sarkar, MK; Purushothaman, S; Kalantry, S Nature communications
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Imprinted X-inactivation is a paradigm of mammalian transgenerational epigenetic regulation resulting in silencing of genes on the paternally inherited X-chromosome. The preprogrammed fate of the X-chromosomes is thought to be controlled in cis by the parent-of-origin-specific expression of two opposing long non-coding RNAs, Tsix and Xist, in mice. Exclusive expression of Tsix from the maternal-X has implicated it as the instrument through which the maternal germline prevents inactivation of the maternal-X in the offspring. Here, we show that Tsix is dispensable for inhibiting Xist and X-inactivation in the early embryo and in cultured stem cells of extra-embryonic lineages. Tsix is instead required to prevent Xist expression as trophectodermal progenitor cells differentiate. Despite induction of wild-type Xist RNA and accumulation of histone H3-K27me3, many Tsix-mutant X-chromosomes fail to undergo ectopic X-inactivation. We propose a novel model of lncRNA function in imprinted X-inactivation that may also apply to other genomically imprinted loci. | 24979243
Development of multiple cell-based assays for the detection of histone H3 Lys27 trimethylation (H3K27me3). Qian, J; Lu, L; Wu, J; Ma, H Assay and drug development technologies
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Posttranslational modification of histone proteins in eukaryotes plays an important role in gene transcription and chromatin structure. Dysregulation of the enzymes involved in histone modification has been linked to many cancer forms, making this target class a potential new area for therapeutics. A reliable assay to monitor small-molecule inhibition of various epigenetic enzymes should play a critical role in drug discovery to fight cancer. However, it has been challenging to develop cell-based assays for high-throughput screening (HTS) and compound profiling. Recently, two homogeneous cell-based assay kits using the AlphaLISA(®) and LanthaScreen(®) technologies to detect trimethyl histone H3 Lysine 27 have become commercially available, and a heterogeneous cell assay with modified dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluorescence immunoassay (DELFIA(®)) format has been reported. To compare their pros and cons, we evaluated, optimized, and validated these three assay formats in three different cell lines and compared their activities with traditional Western blot detection of histone methylation inhibition by using commercial and in-house small-molecule inhibitors. Our data indicate that, although all four formats produced acceptable results, the homogeneous AlphaLISA assay was best suited for HTS and compound profiling due to its wider window and ease of automation. The DELFIA and Western blot assays were useful as validation tools to confirm the cell activities and eliminate potential false-positive compounds. | 23992119
Liver x receptors protect from development of prostatic intra-epithelial neoplasia in mice. Pommier, AJ; Dufour, J; Alves, G; Viennois, E; De Boussac, H; Trousson, A; Volle, DH; Caira, F; Val, P; Arnaud, P; Lobaccaro, JM; Baron, S PLoS genetics
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LXR (Liver X Receptors) act as "sensor" proteins that regulate cholesterol uptake, storage, and efflux. LXR signaling is known to influence proliferation of different cell types including human prostatic carcinoma (PCa) cell lines. This study shows that deletion of LXR in mouse fed a high-cholesterol diet recapitulates initial steps of PCa development. Elevation of circulating cholesterol in Lxrαβ-/- double knockout mice results in aberrant cholesterol ester accumulation and prostatic intra-epithelial neoplasia. This phenotype is linked to increased expression of the histone methyl transferase EZH2 (Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2), which results in the down-regulation of the tumor suppressors Msmb and Nkx3.1 through increased methylation of lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27) on their promoter regions. Altogether, our data provide a novel link between LXR, cholesterol homeostasis, and epigenetic control of tumor suppressor gene expression. | 23675307
A new method for quantitative immunoblotting of endogenous α-synuclein. Newman, AJ; Selkoe, D; Dettmer, U PloS one
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β-Sheet-rich aggregates of α-synuclein (αSyn) are the hallmark neuropathology of Parkinson's disease and related synucleinopathies, whereas the principal native structure of αSyn in healthy cells--unfolded monomer or α-helically folded oligomer--is under debate. Our recent crosslinking analysis of αSyn in intact cells showed that a large portion of endogenous αSyn can be trapped as oligomers, most notably as apparent tetramers. One challenge in such studies is accurately quantifying αSyn Western blot signals among samples, as crosslinked αSyn trends toward increased immunoreactivity. Here, we analyzed this phenomenon in detail and found that treatment with the reducible amine-reactive crosslinker DSP strongly increased αSyn immunoreactivity even after cleavage with the reducing agent β-mercaptoethanol. The effect was observed with all αSyn antibodies tested and in all sample types from human brain homogenates to untransfected neuroblastoma cells, permitting easy detection of endogenous αSyn in the latter, which had long been considered impossible. Coomassie staining of blots before and after several hours of washing revealed complete retention of αSyn after DSP/β-mercaptoethanol treatment, in contrast to a marked loss of αSyn without this treatment. The treatment also enhanced immunodetection of the homologs β- and γ-synuclein and of histones, another group of small, lysine-rich proteins. We conclude that by neutralizing positive charges and increasing protein hydrophobicity, amine crosslinker treatment promotes adhesion of αSyn to blotting membranes. These data help explain the recent report of fixing αSyn blots with paraformaldehyde after transfer, which we find produces similar but weaker effects. DSP/β-mercaptoethanol treatment of Western blots should be particularly useful to quantify low-abundance αSyn forms such as extracellular and post-translationally modified αSyn and splice variants. | 24278419