Identification of RISC-associated adenoviral microRNAs, a subset of their direct targets, and global changes in the targetome upon lytic adenovirus 5 infection. Bellutti, F; Kauer, M; Kneidinger, D; Lion, T; Klein, R Journal of virology
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Adenoviruses encode a set of highly abundant microRNAs (mivaRNAs), which are generated by Dicer-mediated cleavage of the larger noncoding virus-associated RNAs (VA RNAs) I and II. We performed deep RNA sequencing to thoroughly investigate the relative abundance of individual single strands of mivaRNA isoforms in human A549 cells lytically infected with human adenovirus 5 (Ad5) at physiologically relevant multiplicities of infection (MOIs). In addition, we investigated their relative abundance in the endogenous RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISCs). The occupation of endogenous RISCs by mivaRNAs turned out to be pronounced but not as dominant as previously inferred from experiments with AGO2-overexpressing cells infected at high MOIs. In parallel, levels of RISC-incorporated mRNAs were investigated as well. Analysis of mRNAs enriched in RISCs in Ad5-infected cells revealed that only mRNAs with complementarity to the seed sequences of mivaRNAs derived from VA RNAI but not VA RNAII were overrepresented among them, indicating that only mivaRNAs derived from VA RNAI are likely to contribute substantially to the posttranscriptional downregulation of host gene expression. Furthermore, to generate a comprehensive picture of the entire transcriptome/targetome in lytically infected cells, we determined changes in cellular miRNA levels in both total RNA and RISC RNA as well, and bioinformatical analysis of mRNAs of total RNA/RISC fractions revealed a general, genome-wide trend toward detargeting of cellular mRNAs upon infection. Lastly, we identified the direct targets of both single strands of a VA RNAI-derived mivaRNA that constituted one of the two most abundant isoforms in RISCs of lytically infected A549 cells.Viral and cellular miRNAs have been recognized as important players in virus-host interactions. This work provides the currently most comprehensive picture of the entire mRNA/miRNA transcriptome and of the complete RISC targetome during lytic adenovirus infection and thus represents the basis for a deeper understanding of the interplay between the virus and the cellular RNA interference machinery. Our data suggest that, at least in the model system that was employed, lytic infection by Ad5 is accompanied by a measurable global net detargeting effect on cellular mRNAs, and analysis of RISC-associated viral small RNAs revealed that the VA RNAs are the only source of virus-encoded miRNAs. Moreover, this work allows to assess the power of individual viral miRNAs to regulate cellular gene expression and provides a list of proven and putative direct targets of these miRNAs, which is of importance, given the fact that information about validated targets of adenovirus-encoded miRNAs is scarce. | | 25410853
Characterization of the mammalian miRNA turnover landscape. Guo, Y; Liu, J; Elfenbein, SJ; Ma, Y; Zhong, M; Qiu, C; Ding, Y; Lu, J Nucleic acids research
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Steady state cellular microRNA (miRNA) levels represent the balance between miRNA biogenesis and turnover. The kinetics and sequence determinants of mammalian miRNA turnover during and after miRNA maturation are not fully understood. Through a large-scale study on mammalian miRNA turnover, we report the co-existence of multiple cellular miRNA pools with distinct turnover kinetics and biogenesis properties and reveal previously unrecognized sequence features for fast turnover miRNAs. We measured miRNA turnover rates in eight mammalian cell types with a combination of expression profiling and deep sequencing. While most miRNAs are stable, a subset of miRNAs, mostly miRNA*s, turnovers quickly, many of which display a two-step turnover kinetics. Moreover, different sequence isoforms of the same miRNA can possess vastly different turnover rates. Fast turnover miRNA isoforms are enriched for 5' nucleotide bias against Argonaute-(AGO)-loading, but also additional 3' and central sequence features. Modeling based on two fast turnover miRNA*s miR-222-5p and miR-125b-1-3p, we unexpectedly found that while both miRNA*s are associated with AGO, they strongly differ in HSP90 association and sensitivity to HSP90 inhibition. Our data characterize the landscape of genome-wide miRNA turnover in cultured mammalian cells and reveal differential HSP90 requirements for different miRNA*s. Our findings also implicate rules for designing stable small RNAs, such as siRNAs. | | 25653157
Mapping Argonaute and conventional RNA-binding protein interactions with RNA at single-nucleotide resolution using HITS-CLIP and CIMS analysis. Moore, MJ; Zhang, C; Gantman, EC; Mele, A; Darnell, JC; Darnell, RB Nature protocols
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The identification of sites where RNA-binding proteins (RNABPs) interact with target RNAs opens the door to understanding the vast complexity of RNA regulation. UV cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) is a transformative technology in which RNAs purified from in vivo cross-linked RNA-protein complexes are sequenced to reveal footprints of RNABP:RNA contacts. CLIP combined with high-throughput sequencing (HITS-CLIP) is a generalizable strategy to produce transcriptome-wide maps of RNA binding with higher accuracy and resolution than standard RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) profiling or purely computational approaches. The application of CLIP to Argonaute proteins has expanded the utility of this approach to mapping binding sites for microRNAs and other small regulatory RNAs. Finally, recent advances in data analysis take advantage of cross-link-induced mutation sites (CIMS) to refine RNA-binding maps to single-nucleotide resolution. Once IP conditions are established, HITS-CLIP takes ∼8 d to prepare RNA for sequencing. Established pipelines for data analysis, including those for CIMS, take 3-4 d. | | 24407355
Small RNA expression from the human macrosatellite DXZ4. Pohlers, M; Calabrese, JM; Magnuson, T G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
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Small noncoding RNAs play several roles in regulating gene expression. In the nucleus, small RNA-Argonaute complexes recruit epigenetic modifying activities to genomic sites. This pathway has been described in mammals primarily for the germline; however, its role in somatic cells is less characterized. Here, we describe in human somatic cells a potential link between the expression of small RNAs from the macrosatellite DXZ4 and Argonaute-dependent DNA methylation of this locus. DXZ4 was found to express a wide range of small RNAs potentially representing several classes of small RNAs. A subpopulation of these RNAs is bound by Argonaute. Moreover, we show AGO association with DXZ4 and that the Argonaute proteins AGO-1 and PIWIL4 may play a role in DNA methylation of DXZ4. We hypothesize that the RNAs are involved in Argonaute-dependent methylation of DXZ4 DNA. | | 25147189
miR-126 and miR-126* repress recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells and inflammatory monocytes to inhibit breast cancer metastasis. Zhang, Y; Yang, P; Sun, T; Li, D; Xu, X; Rui, Y; Li, C; Chong, M; Ibrahim, T; Mercatali, L; Amadori, D; Lu, X; Xie, D; Li, QJ; Wang, XF Nature cell biology
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The tumour stroma is an active participant during cancer progression. Stromal cells promote tumour progression and metastasis through multiple mechanisms including enhancing tumour invasiveness and angiogenesis, and suppressing immune surveillance. We report here that miR-126/miR-126(*), a microRNA pair derived from a single precursor, independently suppress the sequential recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells and inflammatory monocytes into the tumour stroma to inhibit lung metastasis by breast tumour cells in a mouse xenograft model. miR-126/miR-126(*) directly inhibit stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha (SDF-1α) expression, and indirectly suppress the expression of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (Ccl2) by cancer cells in an SDF-1α-dependent manner. miR-126/miR-126(*) expression is downregulated in cancer cells by promoter methylation of their host gene Egfl7. These findings determine how this microRNA pair alters the composition of the primary tumour microenvironment to favour breast cancer metastasis, and demonstrate a correlation between miR-126/126(*) downregulation and poor metastasis-free survival of breast cancer patients. | | 23396050
Efficient and specific gene knockdown by small interfering RNAs produced in bacteria. Huang, L; Jin, J; Deighan, P; Kiner, E; McReynolds, L; Lieberman, J Nature biotechnology
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Synthetic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are an indispensable tool to investigate gene function in eukaryotic cells and may be used for therapeutic purposes to knock down genes implicated in disease. Thus far, most synthetic siRNAs have been produced by chemical synthesis. Here we present a method to produce highly potent siRNAs in Escherichia coli. This method relies on ectopic expression of p19, an siRNA-binding protein found in a plant RNA virus. When expressed in E. coli, p19 stabilizes an ∼21-nt siRNA-like species produced by bacterial RNase III. When mammalian cells are transfected by them, siRNAs that were generated in bacteria expressing p19 and a hairpin RNA encoding 200 or more nucleotides of a target gene reproducibly knock down target gene expression by ∼90% without immunogenicity or off-target effects. Because bacterially produced siRNAs contain multiple sequences against a target gene, they may be especially useful for suppressing polymorphic cellular or viral genes. | | 23475073
tRNA-derived microRNA modulates proliferation and the DNA damage response and is down-regulated in B cell lymphoma. Maute, RL; Schneider, C; Sumazin, P; Holmes, A; Califano, A; Basso, K; Dalla-Favera, R Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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Sequencing studies from several model systems have suggested that diverse and abundant small RNAs may be derived from tRNA, but the function of these molecules remains undefined. Here, we demonstrate that one such tRNA-derived fragment, cloned from human mature B cells and designated CU1276, in fact possesses the functional characteristics of a microRNA, including a DICER1-dependent biogenesis, physical association with Argonaute proteins, and the ability to repress mRNA transcripts in a sequence-specific manner. Expression of CU1276 is abundant in normal germinal center B cells but absent in germinal center-derived lymphomas, suggesting a role in the pathogenesis of this disease. Furthermore, CU1276 represses endogenous RPA1, an essential gene involved in many aspects of DNA dynamics, and consequently, expression of this tRNA-derived microRNA in a lymphoma cell line suppresses proliferation and modulates the molecular response to DNA damage. These results establish that functionally active microRNAs can be derived from tRNA, thus defining a class of genetic entities with potentially important biological roles. | | 23297232
EBV and human microRNAs co-target oncogenic and apoptotic viral and human genes during latency. Riley, KJ; Rabinowitz, GS; Yario, TA; Luna, JM; Darnell, RB; Steitz, JA The EMBO journal
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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) controls gene expression to transform human B cells and maintain viral latency. High-throughput sequencing and crosslinking immunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP) identified mRNA targets of 44 EBV and 310 human microRNAs (miRNAs) in Jijoye (Latency III) EBV-transformed B cells. While 25% of total cellular miRNAs are viral, only three viral mRNAs, all latent transcripts, are targeted. Thus, miRNAs do not control the latent/lytic switch by targeting EBV lytic genes. Unexpectedly, 90% of the 1664 human 3'-untranslated regions targeted by the 12 most abundant EBV miRNAs are also targeted by human miRNAs via distinct binding sites. Half of these are targets of the oncogenic miR-17∼92 miRNA cluster and associated families, including mRNAs that regulate transcription, apoptosis, Wnt signalling, and the cell cycle. Reporter assays confirmed the functionality of several EBV and miR-17 family miRNA-binding sites in EBV latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), EBV BHRF1, and host CAPRIN2 mRNAs. Our extensive list of EBV and human miRNA targets implicates miRNAs in the control of EBV latency and illuminates viral miRNA function in general. | | 22473208
Genome-wide identification and quantitative analysis of cleaved tRNA fragments induced by cellular stress. Saikia, M; Krokowski, D; Guan, BJ; Ivanov, P; Parisien, M; Hu, GF; Anderson, P; Pan, T; Hatzoglou, M The Journal of biological chemistry
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Certain stress conditions can induce cleavage of tRNAs around the anticodon loop via the use of the ribonuclease angiogenin. The cellular factors that regulate tRNA cleavage are not well known. In this study we used normal and eIF2α phosphorylation-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts and applied a microarray-based methodology to identify and compare tRNA cleavage patterns in response to hypertonic stress, oxidative stress (arsenite), and treatment with recombinant angiogenin. In all three scenarios mouse embryonic fibroblasts deficient in eIF2α phosphorylation showed a higher accumulation of tRNA fragments including those derived from initiator-tRNA(Met). We have shown that tRNA cleavage is regulated by the availability of angiogenin, its substrate (tRNA), the levels of the angiogenin inhibitor RNH1, and the rates of protein synthesis. These conclusions are supported by the following findings: (i) exogenous treatment with angiogenin or knockdown of RNH1 increased tRNA cleavage; (ii) tRNA fragment accumulation was higher during oxidative stress than hypertonic stress, in agreement with a dramatic decrease of RNH1 levels during oxidative stress; and (iii) a positive correlation was observed between angiogenin-mediated tRNA cleavage and global protein synthesis rates. Identification of the stress-specific tRNA cleavage mechanisms and patterns will provide insights into the role of tRNA fragments in signaling pathways and stress-related disorders. | Immunoprecipitation | 23086926