Amot130 adapts atrophin-1 interacting protein 4 to inhibit yes-associated protein signaling and cell growth. Adler, Jacob J, et al. J. Biol. Chem., 288: 15181-93 (2013)
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The adaptor protein Amot130 scaffolds components of the Hippo pathway to promote the inhibition of cell growth. This study describes how Amot130 through binding and activating the ubiquitin ligase AIP4/Itch achieves these effects. AIP4 is found to bind and ubiquitinate Amot130 at residue Lys-481. This both stabilizes Amot130 and promotes its residence at the plasma membrane. Furthermore, Amot130 is shown to scaffold a complex containing overexpressed AIP4 and the transcriptional co-activator Yes-associated protein (YAP). Consequently, Amot130 promotes the ubiquitination of YAP by AIP4 and prevents AIP4 from binding to large tumor suppressor 1. Amot130 is found to reduce YAP stability. Importantly, Amot130 inhibition of YAP dependent transcription is reversed by AIP4 silencing, whereas Amot130 and AIP4 expression interdependently suppress cell growth. Thus, Amot130 repurposes AIP4 from its previously described role in degrading large tumor suppressor 1 to the inhibition of YAP and cell growth. | 23564455
A Rich1/Amot complex regulates the Cdc42 GTPase and apical-polarity proteins in epithelial cells. Wells, Clark D, et al. Cell, 125: 535-48 (2006)
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Using functional and proteomic screens of proteins that regulate the Cdc42 GTPase, we have identified a network of protein interactions that center around the Cdc42 RhoGAP Rich1 and organize apical polarity in MDCK epithelial cells. Rich1 binds the scaffolding protein angiomotin (Amot) and is thereby targeted to a protein complex at tight junctions (TJs) containing the PDZ-domain proteins Pals1, Patj, and Par-3. Regulation of Cdc42 by Rich1 is necessary for maintenance of TJs, and Rich1 is therefore an important mediator of this polarity complex. Furthermore, the coiled-coil domain of Amot, with which it binds Rich1, is necessary for localization to apical membranes and is required for Amot to relocalize Pals1 and Par-3 to internal puncta. We propose that Rich1 and Amot maintain TJ integrity by the coordinate regulation of Cdc42 and by linking specific components of the TJ to intracellular protein trafficking. | 16678097