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SCR001 ES Cell Characterization Kit

The Embryonic Stem Cell Characterization Kit phenotypically assesses the differentiation status of ES cells by measuring their AP activity, cell-surface stage-specific antigens (SSEA-1, SSEA-4) as well as expression of TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81 antigens.

17-10494 Magna ChIRP RNA Interactome Kit -Isolation and characterization of non-coding RNA:chromatin complexes

The Magna ChIRP RNA Interactome Kit allows analysis, and mapping of regions of chromatin interacting with chromatin-associated RNAs. Based on the ChIRP method (chromatin isolation by RNA purification), this probe-based capture assay enables discovery of RNA-associated DNA sequences and proteins.

SCR023 Endothelial Cell Characterization Kit

Endothelial cell characterization kits enable researchers to characterize cultured endothelial cells in both a constitutive & activated state using basic ICC techniques.

17-10495 EZ- Magna ChIRP RNA Interactome Kit -Isolation and characterization of non-coding RNA:chromatin complexes

The EZ-Magna ChIRP RNA Interactome Kit allows analysis, and mapping of regions of chromatin interacting with chromatin-associated RNAs. Based on the ChIRP method (chromatin isolation by RNA purification), this probe-based capture assay enables discovery of RNA-associated DNA sequences and proteins.

SCR060 Human Neural Stem Cell Characterization Kit

The Human Neural Stem Cell Characterization Kit contains three molecular markers, Nestin, Sox 2 & Musashi that are frequently used to identify neural stem/progenitor cells.