Changes in expression of c-Fos protein following cocaine-cue extinction learning. Nic Dhonnchadha, BÁ; Lovascio, BF; Shrestha, N; Lin, A; Leite-Morris, KA; Man, HY; Kaplan, GB; Kantak, KM Behavioural brain research
Abstract anzeigen
Extinguishing abnormally strengthened learned responses to cues associated with drugs of abuse remains a key tactic for alleviating addiction. To assist in developing pharmacotherapies to augment exposure therapy for relapse prevention, investigation into neurobiological underpinnings of drug-cue extinction learning is needed. We used regional analyses of c-Fos and GluR2 protein expression to delineate neural activity and plasticity that may be associated with cocaine-cue extinction learning. Rats were trained to self-administer cocaine paired with a light cue, and later underwent a single 2h extinction session for which cocaine was withheld but response-contingent cues were presented (cocaine-cue extinction). Control groups consisted of rats yoked to animals self-administering cocaine and receiving saline non-contingently followed by an extinction session, or rats trained to self-administer cocaine followed by a no-extinction session for which levers were retracted, and cocaine and cues were withheld. Among 11 brain sites examined, extinction training increased c-Fos expression in basolateral amygdala and prelimbic prefrontal cortex of cocaine-cue extinguished rats relative to both control conditions. In dorsal subiculum and infralimbic prefrontal cortex, extinction training increased c-Fos expression in both cocaine-cue and saline-cue extinguished rats relative to the no-extinction control condition. GluR2 protein expression was not altered in any site examined after extinction or control training. Findings suggest that basolateral amygdala and prelimbic prefrontal cortex neurons are activated during acquisition of cocaine-cue extinction learning, a process that is independent of changes in GluR2 abundance. Other sites are implicated in processing the significance of cues that are present early in extinction training. | 22721675
Neuronal gap junction coupling is regulated by glutamate and plays critical role in cell death during neuronal injury. Wang, Y; Song, JH; Denisova, JV; Park, WM; Fontes, JD; Belousov, AB The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Abstract anzeigen
In the mammalian CNS, excessive release of glutamate and overactivation of glutamate receptors are responsible for the secondary (delayed) neuronal death following neuronal injury, including ischemia, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and epilepsy. The coupling of neurons by gap junctions (electrical synapses) increases during neuronal injury. We report here that the ischemic increase in neuronal gap junction coupling is regulated by glutamate via group II metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Specifically, using electrotonic coupling, Western blots, and siRNA in the mouse somatosensory cortex in vivo and in vitro, we demonstrate that activation of group II mGluRs increases background levels of neuronal gap junction coupling and expression of connexin 36 (Cx36) (neuronal gap junction protein), and inactivation of group II mGluRs prevents the ischemia-mediated increases in the coupling and Cx36 expression. We also show that the regulation is via cAMP/PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase)-dependent signaling and posttranscriptional control of Cx36 expression and that other glutamate receptors are not involved in these regulatory mechanisms. Furthermore, using the analysis of neuronal death, we show that inactivation of group II mGluRs or genetic elimination of Cx36 both dramatically reduce ischemia-mediated neuronal death in vitro and in vivo. Similar results are obtained using in vitro models of TBI and epilepsy. Our results indicate that neuronal gap junction coupling is a critical component of glutamate-dependent neuronal death. They also suggest that causal link among group II mGluR function, neuronal gap junction coupling, and neuronal death has a universal character and operates in different types of neuronal injuries. | 22238107
Interplay of chemical neurotransmitters regulates developmental increase in electrical synapses. Park, WM; Wang, Y; Park, S; Denisova, JV; Fontes, JD; Belousov, AB The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Abstract anzeigen
Coupling of neurons by electrical synapses (gap junctions) transiently increases in the mammalian CNS during development. We report here that the developmental increase in neuronal gap junction coupling and expression of connexin 36 (Cx36; neuronal gap junction protein) are regulated by an interplay between the activity of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) and GABA(A) receptors. Specifically, using dye coupling, electrotonic coupling, Western blots and small interfering RNA in the rat and mouse hypothalamus and cortex in vivo and in vitro, we demonstrate that activation of group II mGluRs augments, and inactivation prevents, the developmental increase in neuronal gap junction coupling and Cx36 expression. However, changes in GABA(A) receptor activity have the opposite effects. The regulation by group II mGluRs is via cAMP/PKA-dependent signaling, and regulation by GABA(A) receptors is via Ca(2+)/PKC-dependent signaling. Furthermore, the receptor-mediated upregulation of Cx36 requires a neuron-restrictive silencer element in the Cx36 gene promoter, and the downregulation involves the 3'-untranslated region of the Cx36 mRNA, as shown using reverse-transcription quantitative real-time PCR and luciferase reporter activity analysis. In addition, the methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium analysis indicates that mechanisms for the developmental increase in neuronal gap junction coupling directly control the death/survival mechanisms in developing neurons. Together, the results suggest a multitiered strategy for chemical synapses in developmental regulation of electrical synapses. | 21508216