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393207 Anti-HNE-Michael Adducts, Reduced Rabbit pAb


Key Spec Table

Species ReactivityHostAntibody Type
A Broad Range Of SpeciesRbPolyclonal Antibody

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      OverviewRecognizes chemically reduced amino acid-(4)-HNE adducts. Does not recognize non-reduced adducts or reduced modifications arising from malondialdehyde (MDA) and structurally-related alkenes such as trans-2-noneal.
      Catalogue Number393207
      Brand Family Calbiochem®
      SynonymsAnti-4-Hydroxy-2-noneal Michael Adducts, Reduced
      ReferencesToyokuni, S., et al. 2000. Antioxid. Redox. Signal 2, 681.
      Neely, M.D., et al. 1999. J. Neurochem. 72, 2323.
      Uchida, K., et al. 1995. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 212, 1068.
      Uchida, K., et al. 1995. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 324, 241.
      Uchida, K., et al. 1994. Biochemistry 33, 12487.
      Product Information
      FormulationSerum diluted in 50% glycerol, pH 7.5.
      Quality LevelMQ100
      Key Applications Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
      Frozen Sections
      Immunoblotting (Western Blotting)
      Paraffin Sections
      Application NotesELISA (1:500-1:1000)
      Immunoblotting (1:1000-1:4000)
      Frozen Sections (1:50-1:500)
      Paraffin Sections (1:50-1:500)
      Application CommentsDoes not bind non-reduced adducts and reduced modifications arising from malondialdehyde (MDA) or structurally-related alkenals such as trans-2-noneal. Does not cross-react with non-reduced amino acid-HNE Michael adducts. Antibody binding requires the presence of the 4-hydroxyl group. Variables associated with assay conditions will dictate the optimal working dilution.
      Biological Information
      ImmunogenHNE-treated KLH in which 1:1 amino acid-HNE Michael adducts were chemically reduced
      Species Reactivity
      • A Broad Range Of Species
      Antibody TypePolyclonal Antibody
      Storage and Shipping Information
      Ship Code Dry Ice Only
      Toxicity Standard Handling
      Storage ≤ -70°C
      Avoid freeze/thaw Avoid freeze/thaw
      Do not freeze Ok to freeze
      Special InstructionsFollowing initial thaw, aliquot and freeze (-70°C).
      Global Trade Item Number
      Bestellnummer GTIN
      393207-100UL 04055977212495