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Selecione Painéis customizáveis e kits pré-misturados - OU - MAPmates™ para sinalização celular
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Painéis customizáveis e kits pré-misturados
Nosso amplo portfólio é composto por painéis multiplex que permitem que você escolha, dentro do painel, os analitos mais adequados às suas necessidades. Em outra aba, você pode selecionar o formato citoquina pré-misturada ou um kit single plex.
Kits de sinalização celular e MAPmates™
Selecione os kits fixos que permitem que você explore vias ou processos inteiros. Ou monte seus próprios kits escolhendo MAPmates™ Single plex e seguindo as diretrizes fornecidas.
Os MAPmates™ a seguir não devem ser combinados: -MAPmates™ que usem tampões diferentes. -Pares de MAPmate™ totais e fosfo-específicos, tais como total GSK3β e GSK3β (Ser 9). -PanTyr e MAPmates™ específicos para determinados sítios, tais como Phospho-EGF Receptor e phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701). -Mais de 1 fosfo-MAPmate™ para um único alvo (Akt, STAT3). -GAPDH e β-Tubulin não podem ser combinados com kits ou MAPmates™ que contenham panTyr.
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Selecionar uma espécie, tipo de painel, kit ou tipo de amostra
Para começar a montar seu kit MILLIPLEX® MAP, selecionar uma espécie, um tipo de painel ou um kit de interesse.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Catalogue Number
Ordering Description
Este item foi adicionado a seus favoritos.
Tipo de painel
Kit selecionado
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96-Well Plate
Número de catálogo
Descrição para pedidos
Preço de tabela
Adicionar outros reagentes (Tampão e Kit de Detecção necessário para o uso com MAPmates)
Número de catálogo
Descrição para pedidos
Preço de tabela
Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Opção de economia de espaço Os clientes que adquirirem vários kits podem salvar espaço de armazenagem eliminando a embalagem do kit e recebendo os componentes de seu ensaio multiplex em sacos plásticos para armazenagem mais compacta.
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Agora você pode customizar outro kit, escolher um kit pré-misturado, finalizar a compra ou fechar a ferramenta de pedido.
Water is a main component of the dissolution testing procedure. The most important use of water is the preparation of the dissolution media, but it is also used for washing and rinsing the vessels, as well as in the thermostatic bath. In addition, water is usually needed for the analysis of the dissolution samples (to prepare the blanks for UV/Visible spectrometry, to prepare the mobile phases in HPLC, etc.).
The purity of the water used in preparing the dissolution media is important since it is in direct contact with the drug product being tested. Impurities in the dissolution media may interfere with the drug itself or with some of the components of the dosage form, and therefore modify the experimental outcome. In addition, the water used for the final rinse of the vessels and all the components coming in contact with the drug during the test (paddle, basket, etc.) should be of the same purity as the water used to prepare the dissolution media.
The following water contaminants may have an effect on dissolution testing:
Organics Organic molecules may interact with the drug or with some of the components of the dosage form, and have an effect on the dissolution. They may also interfere with the analytical method used to analyze the samples.
Ions Water hardness (calcium and magnesium ions) may form deposits on the vessels. Ions may also have an effect on the pH or on the ionic strength of the dissolution medium. This is especially important in the cases where water is used as the dissolution medium. In addition, ions, in particular metallic ions, may interact with the drug or with some of the components of the dosage form, and alter their physicochemical properties.
Bacteria Bacteria may form biofilms and release ions and organic molecules, which may in turn interfere with the test.
Particles Particles may participate to the release of the active ingredient from the dosage form, and may interfere with the analysis of the samples.
Dissolved Gas The level of dissolved gas, in particular dissolved oxygen, in the dissolution medium has an impact on the dissolution of some drug products. Deaeration of the dissolution media is often recommended.
It is important to note that the sensitivity of the analytical method used to analyze the dissolution method can also influence the choice of water quality used to prepare the dissolution medium. Direct methods of analysis, such as UV/Visible spectroscopy, are usually less sensitive to water quality than separation-based methods such as HPLC or CE. Very sensitive detection methods, providing superior selectivity, are increasingly being used, especially in dissolution testing of complex formulations, such as extended-release formulations. If these very sensitive detection methods, such as mass spectrometry (e.g. in LC-MS), fluorescence or luminescence are used, high quality water should be used to prepare the dissolution media, as these methods are very susceptible to water contaminants.