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Selecione Painéis customizáveis e kits pré-misturados - OU - MAPmates™ para sinalização celular
Monte e veja o preço de seus kits MILLIPLEX® MAP.
Painéis customizáveis e kits pré-misturados
Nosso amplo portfólio é composto por painéis multiplex que permitem que você escolha, dentro do painel, os analitos mais adequados às suas necessidades. Em outra aba, você pode selecionar o formato citoquina pré-misturada ou um kit single plex.
Kits de sinalização celular e MAPmates™
Selecione os kits fixos que permitem que você explore vias ou processos inteiros. Ou monte seus próprios kits escolhendo MAPmates™ Single plex e seguindo as diretrizes fornecidas.
Os MAPmates™ a seguir não devem ser combinados: -MAPmates™ que usem tampões diferentes. -Pares de MAPmate™ totais e fosfo-específicos, tais como total GSK3β e GSK3β (Ser 9). -PanTyr e MAPmates™ específicos para determinados sítios, tais como Phospho-EGF Receptor e phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701). -Mais de 1 fosfo-MAPmate™ para um único alvo (Akt, STAT3). -GAPDH e β-Tubulin não podem ser combinados com kits ou MAPmates™ que contenham panTyr.
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Selecionar uma espécie, tipo de painel, kit ou tipo de amostra
Para começar a montar seu kit MILLIPLEX® MAP, selecionar uma espécie, um tipo de painel ou um kit de interesse.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Catalogue Number
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Este item foi adicionado a seus favoritos.
Tipo de painel
Kit selecionado
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96-Well Plate
Número de catálogo
Descrição para pedidos
Preço de tabela
Adicionar outros reagentes (Tampão e Kit de Detecção necessário para o uso com MAPmates)
Número de catálogo
Descrição para pedidos
Preço de tabela
Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Opção de economia de espaço Os clientes que adquirirem vários kits podem salvar espaço de armazenagem eliminando a embalagem do kit e recebendo os componentes de seu ensaio multiplex em sacos plásticos para armazenagem mais compacta.
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Agora você pode customizar outro kit, escolher um kit pré-misturado, finalizar a compra ou fechar a ferramenta de pedido.
High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS, or more commonly LC-MS) is an extremely versatile analytical technique that combines the physical separation capabilities of liquid chromatography with the mass analysis capabilities of mass spectrometry. LC-MS is a powerful technique used for many applications because it offers very high sensitivity and specificity. Compared to GC-MS, the primary advantage of LC-MS is its capability to analyze a much wider range of analytes. Compounds that are thermally labile, exhibit high polarity or have a high molecular mass may all be analyzed using LC-MS.
The basic components of an HPLC system is described elsewhere: HPLC. A mass spectrometer has three main components: ionization source, mass analyzer, and detector (Figure 1).
Figure 1: The main components of a mass spectrometer
Analytes getting into the mass spectrometer have to be converted to gaseous phase ions by the ion source. The two most common ion sources used for LC-MS are electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI):
Electrospray ionization (ESI) - Ions are generated at atmospheric pressure by passing the analyte solution through a capillary (electrospray needle) that has a high potential difference (with respect to the counter electrode) applied to it (typically between 2.5 to 4 kV). This initially produces aerosols of charged droplets that consist of both solvent and analyte molecules with a net positive or negative charge, depending on the polarity of voltage applied (hence the terms ESI positive and ESI negative). The analyte ions eventually become free of the solvent that surround them, and they are directed to the mass analyzer.
Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) - Ions are generated at atmospheric pressure through ion/molecule reactions. The analyte solution is introduced through a capillary into a pneumatic nebulizer and desolvated in a heated quartz tube before interacting with the corona discharge from a very fine needle. Essentially, electrons from the corona discharge ionize reagent molecules (O2, N2, H2O) and solvent molecules that are present around the needle. A series of reactions eventually lead to efficient ionization of the analytes once they reach the discharge region. Analyte ions are then directed to the mass analyzer.
The mass analyzer in the mass spectrometer separates or sorts ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). The most common mass analyzers in LC-MS are quadrupole, ion trap, and a combination of two mass analyzers (e.g. triple quadrupole, quadrupole time-of-flight, quadrupole linear ion trap) to carry out tandem mass spectrometry experiments (tandem MS). LC-MS/MS (also LC-MSn) offers further enhanced sensitivity and selectivity compared to LC-MS.