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Selecione Painéis customizáveis e kits pré-misturados - OU - MAPmates™ para sinalização celular
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Painéis customizáveis e kits pré-misturados
Nosso amplo portfólio é composto por painéis multiplex que permitem que você escolha, dentro do painel, os analitos mais adequados às suas necessidades. Em outra aba, você pode selecionar o formato citoquina pré-misturada ou um kit single plex.
Kits de sinalização celular e MAPmates™
Selecione os kits fixos que permitem que você explore vias ou processos inteiros. Ou monte seus próprios kits escolhendo MAPmates™ Single plex e seguindo as diretrizes fornecidas.
Os MAPmates™ a seguir não devem ser combinados: -MAPmates™ que usem tampões diferentes. -Pares de MAPmate™ totais e fosfo-específicos, tais como total GSK3β e GSK3β (Ser 9). -PanTyr e MAPmates™ específicos para determinados sítios, tais como Phospho-EGF Receptor e phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701). -Mais de 1 fosfo-MAPmate™ para um único alvo (Akt, STAT3). -GAPDH e β-Tubulin não podem ser combinados com kits ou MAPmates™ que contenham panTyr.
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Selecionar uma espécie, tipo de painel, kit ou tipo de amostra
Para começar a montar seu kit MILLIPLEX® MAP, selecionar uma espécie, um tipo de painel ou um kit de interesse.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
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Tipo de painel
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96-Well Plate
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Preço de tabela
Adicionar outros reagentes (Tampão e Kit de Detecção necessário para o uso com MAPmates)
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Preço de tabela
Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Opção de economia de espaço Os clientes que adquirirem vários kits podem salvar espaço de armazenagem eliminando a embalagem do kit e recebendo os componentes de seu ensaio multiplex em sacos plásticos para armazenagem mais compacta.
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Agora você pode customizar outro kit, escolher um kit pré-misturado, finalizar a compra ou fechar a ferramenta de pedido.
Capillary electrophoresis is a technique that uses very narrow-bore capillaries, typically 50 µm internal diameter and 300 µm external diameter, to separate a wide array of large and small molecules. Figure 1 is a schematic of a CE system. It includes a power supply, capillary, buffer reservoirs, and detector.
Figure 1: Schematic of a Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) system
The heart of the CE system is the capillary where separation takes place. The capillaries are mostly open tubular and not packed, resulting to excellent resolution and very sharp peaks. The high voltage is required to move the buffer and analyte molecules through the capillary. Charged molecules are separated along the capillary due to electrophoretic migration and electroosmotic flow. Electrophoretic migration causes charged molecules to move towards the electrode of opposite charge, hence positive and negative charged molecules migrate at different rates. Electroosmotic flow is due to the presence of charged groups on the surface of the support medium, for instance silanol groups on the surface of the glass wall used in CE.
In CE, the sample is introduced by immersing the end of the capillary into a sample vial and applying pressure, vacuum or voltage. Different modes of capillary electrophoretic separations can be performed using a standard CE instrument, depending on the types of capillary and electrolytes used. Some examples are:
Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE), also known as free-solution CE (FSCE), is the simplest and most widely used form of CE. The separation mechanism is based on differences in the charge-to-mass ratio of the analytes.
Capillary Gel Electrophoresis (CGE) is the traditional gel electrophoresis that takes place in a capillary. It uses polymers in solution to create a molecular sieve that allows analytes having similar charge-to-mass ratios to be resolved by size.
Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (CIEF) separates amphoteric molecules in a pH gradient generated between the cathode and anode. The analyte molecules migrate until it reaches its isoelectric point (pI); migration then stops and the sample is focused into a tight zone.
Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography (MECC OR MEKC) is a form of CE in which surfactants are added to the buffer solution at concentrations that form micelles. Separation takes placed because of the differential partition between the micelle and the solvent.
Analytes are detected using one of several possible detection methods - UV-Vis, fluorescence, mass spectrometry, and electrochemical detection.