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Water for Heating Baths

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Impact of Water

Water used in heating baths should be clean in order to reduce the cleaning frequency of those heating baths, and prevent problems in case of unfortunate manipulation in rotavors!

The major concern is therefore the scaling, that can really spoil the heating bath quickly and lead to cumbersome maintenance. The water used in the heating bath will preferably be free of the major scaling contributors: ions such as calcium, magnesium, and strontium that combine with carbonate to precipitate. Carbonate itself is difficult to avoid, because it is generated from the CO2 that dissolve in the water upon contact with air.

Water should not be too pure on the other hand, to avoid rusting and degradation of the heating bath. In addition, it is also beneficial to remove chlorine or other oxidizing agent present in tap water to reduce rusting of the heating bath.

Water treated by reverse osmosis is acceptable for filling heating baths. The amount of ions at the origin of the scaling is significantly reduced (calcium is eliminated at 99% by reverse osmosis), but there still enough ions (sodium, chloride, potassium, …) to avoid rusting. The water has a conductivity typically ranging from 1 to 50 µS/cm.

In water purification systems, activated carbon is usually placed upstream the reverse osmosis cartridge. This activated carbon removes chlorine from the tap feed water.

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