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S7707 TRAPeze® XL Telomerase Detection Kit

A fluorescence assay for sensitive and quantitative measurement of telomerase activity in cell and tissue extracts using Amplifluor primer technology.

S7700 TRAPeze® Telomerase Detection Kit

A highly sensitive in vitro PCR based assay for detecting telomerase activity based on the TRAP assay (Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol).

S7701 TRAPeze® Telomerase Positive Control Cell Pellet

This product is intended for use with the components of the TRAPEZE Telomerase Detection Kit, the TRAPEZE XL Telomerase Detection Kit & the TRAPEZE ELISA Telomerase Detection Kit.

S7705 TRAPeze® 1X CHAPS Lysis Buffer

1X CHAPS Lysis Buffer is a component of the gel-and ELISA-based TRAPeze Telomerase Detection Kits & is used in the extraction step of the procedure.

S7710 TRAPEZE® RT Telomerase Detection Kit

A highly sensitive in vitro assay for the fluorometric detection & real time quantification of telomerase activity in cells.