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Reference Materials for Reliable Calibration in AAS

Merck’s high-quality Certipur® reference materials for AAS and ICP comprise AAS standards and auxiliaries (including AAS standards dissolved in oil for the analysis of non-aqueous matrices) as well as single-element and multi-element standards for ICP. Moreover, we provide standards as Titrisol® concentrates.

Merck Certipur® reference materials for AAS and ICP are ready-to-use solutions, certified and traceable to primary standard reference material from NIST. Our stringent quality-control procedures ensure highest precision: Certipur® ICP and AAS standards are analyzed using ICP-OES and ICP-MS methods and certified by our own calibration laboratory that has been accredited according to ISO 17025. All relevant information, including uncertainty data and traceability, is documented in an extensive, batch-specific Certificate of Analysis.

Merck is an accredited Reference Material Producer according to ISO Guide 34 for ICP single-element standards – so you can be perfectly sure to get reliable top quality.

Catalog Number Catalog Name
170327 Lantano padrão ICP
109915 Padrão de selénio
170344 Rénio padrão ICP
110982 Lantânio(III) óxido
109969 Padrão de chumbo
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