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PIHA01250 Insertos de Placas de Cultura Millicell-HA

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      Replacement Information
      Número de catálogoPIHA01250
      Nome comercial
      • Millicell
      DescriçãoInsertos de Placas de Cultura Millicell-HA
      Informações geraisWith Millicell inserts, attachment or suspension cells can access media from both their apical and basolateral sides. Cell growth, structure, and function more closely mimic what occurs in vivo. In addition, Millicell inserts make it possible to study both sides of the cell monolayer.

      Millicell inserts are available for 24-, 12-, or 6-well plates. The inserts are easily prepared for SEM and TEM visualizing techniques, and they are compatible with cellular and/or fluorescent stains.

      Insert Formats:
      Millicell Hanging Inserts: Preloaded in receivers or available standalone
      - For co-culturing and permeability assays
      - Unique design allows easier basolateral access than other hanging inserts with less risk of contamination
      - Available in 5 pore sizes and 3 diameters, including a 1 µm pore size that is optically transparent for better visualization by microscopy
      - NEW: Available preloaded in 24-well receiver plates or as individual inserts in 3 diameters

      Millicell Standing Inserts:
      - Promotes excellent cell growth and provides an exceptional opportunity for cell studies
      - Available with Biopore (PTFE) membrane, MF-Millipore (mixed cellulose esters) membrane, and polycarbonate membrane

      Millicell Organotypic Insert:
      - For high cell viability and superior study of three dimensional explant structure
      - Lower height allows them to fit inside a standard petri dish
      - The Biopore™ (PTFE) membrane provides high viability—for as long as 40 days—and excellent trans-membrane oxygen transport
      - The membrane is optically clear and optimized for long-term organotypic explant maintenance

      Membrane Types:
      Biopore Membrane (hydrophilic PTFE)
      - For low protein-binding, live cell viewing, and immunofluorescent applications

      MF-Millipore™ Membrane (mixed cellulose esters)
      - For exceptional anatomical and functional polarization

      Isopore™ Membrane (polycarbonate)
      - For growth of attachment-dependent cells without matrix

      PET Membrane (polyethylene terephthalate)
      - For growth of attachment-dependent cells without matrix

      With Millicell® inserts, adherent or suspension cells can access media from both their apical and basolateral sides. Cell growth, structure, and function more closely mimic what occurs in vivo. In addition, Millicell® inserts make it possible to study both sides of the cell monolayer.


      Cell Attachment, Cell Growth, Cell Differentiation , Immunocytochemistry
      Informações sobre o produto
      Device Configuration24-well plate
      Código do filtroHA
      Temperatura operacional máxima50 °C
      Número de Poços1
      Quality LevelMQ400
      AplicaçãoBiologia Celular
      Principais aplicações
      • Cell Attachment
      Informação biológica
      Stem Cell Type
      • Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
      • Human Embryonic Stem Cells
      • Mesenchymal Stem Cells
      • Neural Stem Cells
      • Hematopoietic Stem Cells
      • Epithelial Cells
      • Pancreatic Stem Cells
      • Cardiac Stem Cells
      • Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
      Informações fisico-químicas
      Tamanho dos poros0.45 µm
      Altura10.5 mm
      Área de filtração0.6 cm²
      Diâmetro do filtro (⌀)12 mm
      Informação sobre materiais
      • Mixed Cellulose Esters (MCE)
      Material do dispositivo
      • Poliestireno
      Informações toxicológicas
      Informação de segurança de acordo com o GHS
      Informações de segurança
      Declarações sobre uso do produto
      Informações sobre armazenagem e transporte
      Informações da embalagem
      Embalagemembalados individualmente em blisters
      Informações para transporte
      Informações complementares
      Global Trade Item Number
      Número de catálogo GTIN
      PIHA01250 04053252612664