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Estapor® Functionalized Fluorescent Microspheres

Our fluorescent Estapor® microspheres have been optimized for your lateral flow needs.

Estapor® fluorescent microspheres are easily dispersed allowing for efficient washing, reduced background and low non-specific binding. Our microspheres do not experience dye leaching, display maximum color brilliance and exhibit stable surface properties so you get the performance you pay for, every time!

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Informações para pedidos

Fluorescent Label: EuropiumLimpar Classificação e Filtragem Show Filter
Número de catálogoDescriçãoTamanho da embalagem
FR180380624F1-EU-030 FluoEU COOH PS 1% Vialing size: Please inquire Preço e disponibilidade

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Produtos e aplicações relacionadas

Famílias de produtos

Produtos relacionados por: Application Facete

Produtos relacionados por: Brand Facete


IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Polymeric Microspheres & Magnetic Beads > Estapor® Fluorescent Microspheres > Fluorescent Functionalized Microspheres
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Polymeric Microspheres & Magnetic Beads > Microspheres by Application > Latex Agglutination
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Polymeric Microspheres & Magnetic Beads > Microspheres by Application > Immunoassays
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Polymeric Microspheres & Magnetic Beads > Microspheres by Application > Lateral Flow