Diagnosis of recent primary rubella virus infections: Significance of glycoprotein-based IgM serology, IgG avidity and immunoblot analysis. Wandinger KP, Saschenbrecker S, Steinhagen K, Scheper T, Meyer W, Bartelt U, Enders G Journal of virological methods
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Reliable serodiagnosis of rubella virus (RV) infections requires discrimination of specific IgM induced by primary rubella from persistent, reactivated or non-specific IgM reactivity. Sera from 130 pregnant women with recent or past RV infection/vaccination, persistent IgM or negative rubella serology, 26 patients with other acute infections and 5 patients with rheumatoid factor-positivity were analyzed for RV-specific IgM by ELISA coated with whole-virus lysate or native glycoprotein, followed by determination of IgG avidity and E2-specific IgG using lysate-coated ELISA and non-reducing immunoblot. Compared to a reference μ-capture IgM ELISA, the sensitivity for diagnosing recent rubella infection/vaccination was 90.0% and 100% for the lysate-based and glycoprotein-based IgM ELISA, respectively. With respect to women with past RV infections or negative histories of RV infection/vaccination, both assays were 97.5-100% specific, whereas for patients with other acute infections the glycoprotein substrate provided a specificity of 92.3% compared to only 80.8% using whole-virus antigen. Analyzing anti-RV IgG avidity and anti-E2 IgG reactivity allowed the time point of primary infection to be determined unambiguously in >86% of samples. In conclusion, using RV glycoprotein antigen improves the specificity of indirect IgM ELISA. In cases of RV-specific IgM reactivity, recent primary rubella infection can be confirmed or excluded efficiently by specific IgG avidity and immunoblot analysis.Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. | 21513745