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Analytical Stainless Steel Filter Holder

Filter holder for small-volume contamination or biological analysis

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Informações para pedidos

Filter Holder and Replacement Parts KitLimpar Classificação e Filtragem Show Filter
Número de catálogoDescriçãoTamanho da embalagem
XX30012RKKit de Peças de Reposição, suporte de 13 mm 1 Preço e disponibilidade
XX3001240Suporte de Filtro Analítico em Aço Inoxidável, 13 mm 1 Preço e disponibilidade

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AcessóriosLimpar Classificação e Filtragem Show Filter
Número de catálogoDescriçãoTamanho da embalagem
XX7100004Mangueira de silicone para vácuo, 3/16" D.I., 1,4 m 1 Preço e disponibilidade
WP6211560High Output Pump, 115 V/60 Hz 1 Preço e disponibilidade

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What is the pore (or screen mesh) size of the stainless screens in the Analytical filter holders?
Filter Holder Catalog #Screen Catalog #Mesh Size
XX3001200XX3001210150 microns
XX3001240XX3001210150 microns
XX3002500XX3002510150 microns
XX4002500XX3002510150 microns
XX6602500XX3002510150 microns
XX6702500XX3002510150 microns
XX4502500XX4502504150 microns
XX4404700XX4204709150 microns
XX4404702 150-300 microns
XX4504700XX45047041680 microns
YY3009000YY3009054 150-300 microns
YY3014236 YY3014234150-300 microns
YY3029316YY3029354150-300 microns
All screens shown above are photo-etched, and are made of 316 stainless steel.
XX1002530 XX5002501125 microns
XX1002540XX5002501125 microns
XX1004730XX2004708125 microns
XX2004720 XX2004708125 microns
XX4004700XX4004704125 microns
All screens shown immediately above are woven mesh, and are made of 304 stainless steel.
I just purchased one of your stainless filter holders and after only a few uses it is starting to rust. Is the unit defective?Rusting of stainless steel holders can usually be attributed to high iron content in the water. Iron deposits create rust "stains" that can be removed with non abrasive cleaners or sometimes fine steel wool. All stainless steel can rust over time. It should be washed with DI water and dried thoroughly immediately after each use.