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Aervent® Membrane in Optiseal® Filters

Optiseal filters with Aervent membrane are designed for sterilizing applications, removing particles and microorganisms from gases and solvents.

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Optiseal Filters with Hydrophobic Aervent MembraneLimpar Classificação e Filtragem Show Filter
Número de catálogoDescriçãoTamanho da embalagem
LAGR04TP6Optiseal Aervent Cartridge Filter 0.2 µm hydrophobic 6 Preço e disponibilidade

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Can I mount my tank vent filter horizontally?Millipore recommends that you mount your vent filter vertically because it will facilitate the draining of any condensate that may collects in the bottom of the housing. If condensate builds up in the housing, it can cause part of the filter to becomes wet which will prevent air from passing through.

Produtos e aplicações relacionadas

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Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing > Downstream Processing > Sterile Filtration > Sterile Gas > Aervent