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Choisissez des Panels configurables & des Kits préconfigurés - OU - des MAPmate™ de signalisation cellulaire
Concevez vos kits MILLIPLEX® MAP et obtenez leur prix.
Panels configurables & Kits préconfigurés
Notre large gamme est constituée de panels multiplex qui vous permettent de choisir, au sein d'un panel, les analytes qui répondent le mieux à vos besoins. Sur un autre onglet, vous pouvez choisir un format cytokine préconfiguré ou un kit Simplex.
Kits de signalisation cellulaire & MAPmate™
Choisissez des kits préconfigurés qui permettent d'explorer l'ensemble des voies ou des processus. Ou concevez vos propres kits en choisissant des Simplex MAPmate™ et en suivant les instructions fournies.
Les MAPmate™ suivants ne peuvent pas être utilisés ensemble : -des MAPmate™ qui nécessitent des tampons différents -des paires de MAPmate™ totaux et phospho-spécifiques, par ex. GSK3β total et GSK3β (Ser 9) -des MAPmate™ PanTyr et spécifiques d'un site, par ex. Récepteur Phospho-EGF et phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) -Plus d'un phospho-MAPmate™ pour une seule cible (Akt, STAT3). -GAPDH et β-Tubuline ne peuvent pas être utilisés avec les kits ou les MAPmate™ contenant panTyr.
Guide d'achat
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Sélectionner une espèce, un type de panel, un kit ou un type d'échantillon
Pour commencer à concevoir votre kit MILLIPLEX® MAP, sélectionnez une espèce, un type de panel ou un kit d'intérêt.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Catalogue Number
Ordering Description
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Type de panel
Kit sélectionné
Guide d'achat
Prix tarif
96-Well Plate
Guide d'achat
Prix tarif
Ajouter des réactifs supplémentaires (Un kit "Buffer and Detection Kit" est nécessaire pour une utilisation avec les MAPmate™)
Guide d'achat
Prix tarif
Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Option de gain de place Nos clients qui commandent plusieurs kits peuvent choisir d'économiser de l'espace de stockage en éliminant l'emballage de chaque kit et de recevoir les composants de leur essai multiplex conditionnés sous poches en plastique pour un stockage plus compact.
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Vous pouvez maintenant concevoir un autre kit personnalisé, choisir un kit pré-configuré, régler vos achats ou fermer l'outil de commande.
Attention: We have moved. Merck Millipore products are no longer available for purchase on MerckMillipore.com.Learn More
The Embryonic Stem Cell Characterization Kit phenotypically assesses the differentiation status of ES cells by measuring their AP activity, cell-surface stage-specific antigens (SSEA-1, SSEA-4) as welSuite >>
The Embryonic Stem Cell Characterization Kit phenotypically assesses the differentiation status of ES cells by measuring their AP activity, cell-surface stage-specific antigens (SSEA-1, SSEA-4) as well as expression of TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81 antigens. Moins <<
The Magna ChIRP RNA Interactome Kit allows analysis, and mapping of regions of chromatin interacting with chromatin-associated RNAs. Based on the ChIRP method (chromatin isolation by RNA purification)Suite >>
The Magna ChIRP RNA Interactome Kit allows analysis, and mapping of regions of chromatin interacting with chromatin-associated RNAs. Based on the ChIRP method (chromatin isolation by RNA purification), this probe-based capture assay enables discovery of RNA-associated DNA sequences and proteins. Moins <<
Endothelial cell characterization kits enable researchers to characterize cultured endothelial cells in both a constitutive & activated state using basic ICC techniques.Suite >>
Endothelial cell characterization kits enable researchers to characterize cultured endothelial cells in both a constitutive & activated state using basic ICC techniques. Moins <<
The EZ-Magna ChIRP RNA Interactome Kit allows analysis, and mapping of regions of chromatin interacting with chromatin-associated RNAs. Based on the ChIRP method (chromatin isolation by RNA purificatiSuite >>
The EZ-Magna ChIRP RNA Interactome Kit allows analysis, and mapping of regions of chromatin interacting with chromatin-associated RNAs. Based on the ChIRP method (chromatin isolation by RNA purification), this probe-based capture assay enables discovery of RNA-associated DNA sequences and proteins. Moins <<
Une quantité non valide a été spécifiée. La quantité de produit a été ajustée.
Kit capacity: 12 Chromatin Isolation by RNA Purification Assays (includes negative control probes, even and odd positive control TERC lncRNA probes, and control PCR primer sets)
The Human Neural Stem Cell Characterization Kit contains three molecular markers, Nestin, Sox 2 & Musashi that are frequently used to identify neural stem/progenitor cells.Suite >>
The Human Neural Stem Cell Characterization Kit contains three molecular markers, Nestin, Sox 2 & Musashi that are frequently used to identify neural stem/progenitor cells. Moins <<
The Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characterization Kit contains a panel of positive & negative selection markers for the characterization of the mesenchymal stem cell population in human samples.Suite >>
The Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characterization Kit contains a panel of positive & negative selection markers for the characterization of the mesenchymal stem cell population in human samples. Moins <<
The Neural Stem Cell Characterization Kit contains two molecular markers, Nestin & Sox 2 that are frequently used to identify neural stem/progenitor cells.Suite >>
The Neural Stem Cell Characterization Kit contains two molecular markers, Nestin & Sox 2 that are frequently used to identify neural stem/progenitor cells. Moins <<
CHEMICON's Human Embryonic Germ Layer Characterization Kit allows researchers to assess the differentiation potential of their Human Embryonic Stem Cell (HESC) to form derivatives of all three embryonSuite >>
CHEMICON's Human Embryonic Germ Layer Characterization Kit allows researchers to assess the differentiation potential of their Human Embryonic Stem Cell (HESC) to form derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers. Moins <<
This Fluorescent Mouse ES/iPS Cell Characterization Kit contains a range of sensitive tools for the phenotypic assessment of the pluripotent status of mouse Embryonic stem & induced pluripotent StSuite >>
This Fluorescent Mouse ES/iPS Cell Characterization Kit contains a range of sensitive tools for the phenotypic assessment of the pluripotent status of mouse Embryonic stem & induced pluripotent Stem cells. Moins <<