Cerium (IV) sulfate solution 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) (Catalog No. 109092)
- Reaction type: Redox titration/cerimetry
- Kind of titration: Direct titration
- Volumetric standard:
Iron(II) ethylenediammonium sulfate (Catalog No. 102402).
Arsenic (III) oxide should not be used as volumetric standard because of the high toxicity and the difficult handling.
Atmospheric oxygen soxidizes the alkaline solution of As2O3 very easily. - Method of initial introduction: Direct weighing
- Visual: with ferroin indicator solution (Catalog No. 109161); color change from orange to faint blue
- Potentiometrical: with platinum single rod measuring chain and automatic titrator.
Analytical procedure
Approx. 700–750 mg of iron (II) ethylenediammonium sulfate (Volumetric Standard), dried for 24 h over silica gel, are exactly weighed into a titration vessel of approx. 150–200 ml, dissolved in 50 ml of sulfuric acid 0.5 ml/l and titrated to the color change with the cerium (IV) sulfate solution 0.1 mol/l to be tested.Calculation

t = titer
m = weight of volumetric standard
f = stoichiometric factor (volumetric equivalent in mg/ml)
Cf = correction factor, calculated from the effective content of the volumetric standard cc. to the certificate divided by 100.