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109277 Türk solution

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Replacement Information


RéférenceConditionnement Qté
1092770100 Flacon en verre 100 ml
SynonymesAcetic acid gentian violet solution
DescriptionTuerk's solution
AperçuTuerk’s solution - for leukocytes counting, is a ready-to-use solution used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serves the purpose of the hematological investigation of sample material of human origin in hematological specimen materials. The solution serves the purpose of the manual semiquantitative determination of leukocytes in fresh venous, anticoagulated whole blood using a counting chamber.
The basis of all counting methods is the dilution and preparation of a blood sample of known volume. The erythrocytes are hemolyzed by the acetic acid present in Tuerk’s solution and the leukocyte nuclei are stained blue-violet by the dye. The required cell type in a defined volume is counted and the number of cells per microliter of blood is then calculated.
The 100ml bottle of Tuerks solution will provide approx. 10 applications. Tuerk's solution is an IVD product and CE registered.For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU).
Références bibliographiques
Informations produit
Code SH3212 90 00
Quality LevelMQ400
Applicationfor leukocyte counting
Informations biologiques
Informations physico-chimiques
Densité1.00 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Informations sur les matériaux
Informations toxicologiques
Informations de sécurité selon le SGH
Classe de stockage10 - 13 Autres liquides ou matières solides
WGKWGK 1 pollue faiblement l'eau
Solutions aqueuses: récipient D.
Informations sur la sécurité
Notifications sur l'utilisation du produit
Informations relatives au stockage et à l'expédition
StockageConserver de +15°C à +25°C.
Informations sur l'emballage
Informations sur le transport
Information complémentaire
Global Trade Item Number
Référence GTIN
1092770100 04022536112985