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Cellules à agitation résistantes aux solvants

Concentration of samples in organic solvents

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Références bibliographiques

Aperçu de la référence bibliographiqueApplication
Electrokinetic characterisation of ultrafiltration membranes by streaming potential, electroviscous effect, and salt retention
Huisman IH (REPRINT) ; Pradanos P; Hernandez A
Journal of membrane science 2000, V178, N1-2, p55-64 2000  1999

Integrated process for the removal of emulsified oils from effluents in the steel industry
Benito JM; Rios G; Gutierrez B; Pazos C; Coca J (REPRINT)
Separation Science and Technology 1999, V34, N15, P3031-3043 SN- 0149-6395  1998

Industrial QC
Acrylamide production in an ultrafiltration-membrane bioreactor using cells of Brevibacterium imperialis CBS 489-74
Cantarella M (reprint) ; Spera A; Cantarella L; Alfani F ; Journal of membrane science, v147, N2, p279-290 1998
Journal of membrane science, v147, N2, p279-290 1998  1998

Enzyme Assays
In vitro and in vivo grafting of xeno pig fetal liver fragments using ultrafiltration membrane
Kanai N.; Morita N.; Munkhbat B.; Gansuvd B.; Hagihara M.; Nagamachi Y.;Tsuji K.
Cell Transplantation SO- 7/4 (417-420) 1998  1998

Cell Culture
Metabolic screening using on-line ultrafiltration mass spectrometry
Van Breemen R.B.; Nikolic D.; Bolton J.L.
Drug Metabolism and Disposition , 26/2 (85-90) 1998  1998

Performance Characteristics of Waste Oil Emulsion Treatment by Ultrafiltration
Lin, S. H.; Lan, W. J. Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
J Environ Sci Health-Toxic Hazard Subst Environ Eng 1998,SO- vA33, n3, p385(20)  1998

General approach for the development of high-performance liquid chromatography methods for biosurfactant analysis and purification
Lin, S.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Lin, Y.-M.
J. Chromatogr., A ; Journal of Chromatography, A v. 825 pg 149-159 6 Nov 1998  1998

Filtration 15 nm: Aspects Techniques
Chtourou S,Sang thrombose vaisseaux, 21-27, 1998
Sang thrombose vaisseaux, 21-27, 1998  1998

Distribution of trace elements associated with dissolved compounds (<0.45 .mu.m-1 nm) in freshwater using coupled (frontal cascade) ultrafiltration and chromatographic separations
Pham, M. K. Garnier, J.-M.
Environmental Science and Technology, v32, pg. 440-449, 15 Feb. 1998  1998

Fouling of microfiltration membranes by broth-free antifoam agents
Liew MKH; Fane AG (reprint) ; Rogers PL
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1997, v56, n1, p89-98  1997


What could be wrong if the stirrer assembly in the Stirred Cell won't spin?The stir bar won't spin unless the stirred cell is pressurized.