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150489 SeQuant® ZIC®-HILIC (3.5µm,200Å) 30 x 0.3 mm

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


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RéférenceConditionnement Qté
1504890001 Boîte carton 1 unit
AperçuSeQuant® ZIC®-HILIC is the ideal choice for separation of polar and hydrophilic compounds. The high-performance, truly zwitterionic stationary phase, ensures reproductible retention of all types of compounds that have poor retention and are difficult to separate on reversed-phase HPLC columns. ZIC®-HILIC is designed for compounds such as acids and bases, anions and cations, carbohydrates, metabolites, metal complexes, amino acids, peptides, protein digests and much more. This short 30 mm capillary column can act both as a separation column and as an enrichment column.
Références bibliographiques
Informations produit
Code SH9027 90 00
Quality LevelMQ100
Informations biologiques
Informations physico-chimiques
Informations sur les matériaux
Informations toxicologiques
Informations de sécurité selon le SGH
Classe de stockage10 - 13 Autres liquides ou matières solides
Informations sur la sécurité
Notifications sur l'utilisation du produit
Informations relatives au stockage et à l'expédition
Informations sur l'emballage
Informations sur le transport
Information complémentaire
Global Trade Item Number
Référence GTIN
1504890001 04027269134792

Produits & Applications associés

Alternative Products

Référence Description
150479 SeQuant® ZIC®-HILIC (3.5µm,200Å) 150 x 0.3 mm
150481 SeQuant® ZIC®-HILIC (5µm,200Å) 150 x 0.3 mm

Related Products

Référence Description
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150481 SeQuant® ZIC®-HILIC (5µm,200Å) 150 x 0.3 mm

Accessories (Primary)

Référence Description
150492 SeQuant® ZIC®-HILIC (5µm) 5 x 0.3 mm Guard (5 pc)

Produits associés classés par : Application Facete

Produits associés classés par : Brand Facete


Analytics and Sample Preparation > Analytical Chromatography > Analytical HPLC > SeQuant® ZIC® HILIC HPLC Columns > SeQuant® ZIC® HILIC > SeQuant® ZIC® HILIC Nano, Capillary & Microbore Columns