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MAFBN0B50 Multiscreen-FB, opaque, non stérile

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Nom de marque
  • MultiScreen
DescriptionMultiscreen-FB, opaque, non stérile
Informations généralesGlass Fiber Filter Membrane Filters:
Glass fiber filters with binder resin have superior wet strength and are excellent for qualitative analysis and prefiltration, especially for heavily contaminated or particular laden samples. They are also widely used for clarification of aqueous solutions.
Glass fiber filters with binder resin have superior wet strength and are excellent for qualitative analysis and prefiltration, especially for heavily contaminated or particulate-laden samples. They are also widely used for clarification of aqueous solutions.

Features & Benefits:
- Multiple configurations and applications
- Chemical compatibility
- Automation-compatible
- Superior vacuum filtration and filtrate collection

- Receptor/Ligand Binding Assays, Sample Preparation, TCA Precipitation of Protein
Informations produit
Code SH8421 99 99
Compatibles avec une automatisationNo
Code du filtreFB
Code couleurOpaque
Nbre de puits96
Quality LevelMQ400
ApplicationReceptor/ligand binding assays, sample prep, enzyme assays with precipitation, DNA purification
Principales applications
  • Tests de fixation ligand/récepteur
  • Préparation d'échantillons
  • Essais enzymatiques avec précipitation
  • Purification d'ADN
Informations biologiques
StérilitéNon stérile
Informations physico-chimiques
Dimension de pores1.0 µm
Hauteur14.4 mm
Largeur85.5 mm
Longueur128 mm
Surface de filtration0.26 cm²
Volume50 µL–250 µL
Informations sur les matériaux
  • Fibre de verre
  • PVDF hydrophile
Matériau du dispositif
  • Barex®/TiO2
Informations sur l'emballage
Global Trade Item Number
Référence GTIN
MAFBN0B50 04053252505287