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MAIPNTR10 MultiScreen IP, 0,45 µm, transparent, non stérile

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Nom de marque
  • MultiScreen
DescriptionMultiScreen IP, 0,45 µm, transparent, non stérile
Informations généralesIncreasing drug candidate predictability earlier in the discovery pipeline using non-cell-based assays can improve candidate throughput during the ADME stage. Non-cell-based permeability assays are predictive models for oral absorption of development candidates.

MultiScreen Permeability, MultiScreen-IP, and MultiScreen Acceptor plates support artificial membrane strategies for predicting passive transport.

Membranes have uniform pore structure and density for reliable transport:
- Individual wells minimize candidate cross-talk
- Compatibility with automated liquid handling systems increases throughput

Permeability Assay:
- The MultiScreen Permeability plate has a polycarbonate membrane, which supports a hexane/hexadecane artificial layer for permeability assays.1

PAMPA Assay:
- The MultiScreen-IP plate has a hydrophobic PVDF membrane, which supports a lipid bilayer for PAMPA asays.2,3

MultiScreen Acceptor Plate:
- The MultiScreen Acceptor plate can be used with either plate to capture passively transported compounds. Constructed of 100% PTFE, the plate can improve LC/MS results depending on the charge of the small molecules being evaluated.
Informations produit
Code SH8421 29 90
Compatibles avec une automatisationNo
Code du filtreIP
Code couleurTransparent
Nbre de puits96
Quality LevelMQ400
Principales applications
  • Essai PAMPA
Informations biologiques
Milieux de cultureImmobilon®-P
StérilitéNon stérile
Informations physico-chimiques
Dimension de pores0.45 µm
Volume50 µL–250 µL
Informations sur les matériaux
  • PVDF hydrophobe
Matériau du dispositif
  • Acrylique
Informations sur l'emballage
Global Trade Item Number
Référence GTIN
MAIPNTR10 04053252579226