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UFC501024 Amicon Ultra-0,5, Membrane Ultracel-10, PMNL 10 kD

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Tableau de caractéristiques principal

Key ApplicationsNMWLVolumeVolume minimal du concentrat final
Extraction de protéines, Purification de protéines10 KDa0.5 mL15 µL
Nom de marque
  • Amicon Ultra
DescriptionAmicon Ultra-0,5, Membrane Ultracel-10, PMNL 10 kD
Informations généralesAMICON ULTRA 0.5ML - 10KDa cutoff. Available in 4 pack sizes.
UFC501008 - 8 pack
UFC501024 - 24 pack
UFC501096 - 96 pack
UFC5010BK - 500 pack

Concentrates 500 µL down to 15 µL
Concentration factor 25 x to 30 x
High sample recovery (greater than 90% of dilute starting solution)
Fast processing time - 10 to 30 minutes
Reverse spin capability provides consistent recoveries

Concentration of biological samples containing antigens, antibodies, enzymes, nucleic acids, or microorganisms
Purification of macromolecular components found in tissue culture extracts or cell lysates
Primer removal, PCR cleanup, removal of linkers or macromolecular labels from a reaction mix, and protein removal prior to HPLC
Desalting, buffer exchange and protein dialysis

Material Supplied:
The Amicon Ultra-0.5 device is supplied with two microcentrifuge tubes. During operation, one tube is used to collect filtrate; the other tube is to recover the concentrated sample.
Informations produit
Code du filtrePLGCD
Code couleurTransparent
Type de filtreUltrafiltration
Quality LevelMQ400
ApplicationUltracel-10 regenerated cellulose membrane, 0.5 mL sample volume
Principales applications
  • Extraction de protéines
  • Purification de protéines
Notes opératoiresAngle fixe : 14 000 x g pour la concentration ; 1 000 x g pour la centrifugation en sens inverse
Informations biologiques
StérilitéNon stérile
Informations physico-chimiques
Application de centrifugationConcentration et dessalage de protéines
Longueur4.99 cm (1.96 in.)
Diamètre10.8 mm
Surface de filtration1 cm²
Volume minimal du concentrat final15 µL
Volume0.5 mL
Informations sur les matériaux
  • Regenerated Cellulose (RC)
Matériau du dispositif
  • Support : Styrène/butadiène
  • Capuchon et tube : Polypropylene
Informations sur l'emballage
Global Trade Item Number
Référence GTIN
UFC501024 04053252465345