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Choisissez des Panels configurables & des Kits préconfigurés - OU - des MAPmate™ de signalisation cellulaire
Concevez vos kits MILLIPLEX® MAP et obtenez leur prix.
Panels configurables & Kits préconfigurés
Notre large gamme est constituée de panels multiplex qui vous permettent de choisir, au sein d'un panel, les analytes qui répondent le mieux à vos besoins. Sur un autre onglet, vous pouvez choisir un format cytokine préconfiguré ou un kit Simplex.
Kits de signalisation cellulaire & MAPmate™
Choisissez des kits préconfigurés qui permettent d'explorer l'ensemble des voies ou des processus. Ou concevez vos propres kits en choisissant des Simplex MAPmate™ et en suivant les instructions fournies.
Les MAPmate™ suivants ne peuvent pas être utilisés ensemble : -des MAPmate™ qui nécessitent des tampons différents -des paires de MAPmate™ totaux et phospho-spécifiques, par ex. GSK3β total et GSK3β (Ser 9) -des MAPmate™ PanTyr et spécifiques d'un site, par ex. Récepteur Phospho-EGF et phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) -Plus d'un phospho-MAPmate™ pour une seule cible (Akt, STAT3). -GAPDH et β-Tubuline ne peuvent pas être utilisés avec les kits ou les MAPmate™ contenant panTyr.
Guide d'achat
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Sélectionner une espèce, un type de panel, un kit ou un type d'échantillon
Pour commencer à concevoir votre kit MILLIPLEX® MAP, sélectionnez une espèce, un type de panel ou un kit d'intérêt.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Catalogue Number
Ordering Description
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Type de panel
Kit sélectionné
Guide d'achat
Prix tarif
96-Well Plate
Guide d'achat
Prix tarif
Ajouter des réactifs supplémentaires (Un kit "Buffer and Detection Kit" est nécessaire pour une utilisation avec les MAPmate™)
Guide d'achat
Prix tarif
Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Option de gain de place Nos clients qui commandent plusieurs kits peuvent choisir d'économiser de l'espace de stockage en éliminant l'emballage de chaque kit et de recevoir les composants de leur essai multiplex conditionnés sous poches en plastique pour un stockage plus compact.
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Vous pouvez maintenant concevoir un autre kit personnalisé, choisir un kit pré-configuré, régler vos achats ou fermer l'outil de commande.
Attention: We have moved. Merck Millipore products are no longer available for purchase on MerckMillipore.com.Learn More
For bacterial expression of recombinant proteins, your goal is to obtain high yields of full-length, soluble protein. Whether you are producing protein for enzymatic assays, generating antigen for antibody production, assaying protein-protein interactions, or determining three-dimensional structure – you need high-quality protein, fast.
Engineered Strains for Optimized Bacterial Protein Expression
Merck’s portfolio of bacterial strains for protein expression includes the best all-purpose strains and several specialty strains for difficult-to-express proteins, all backed by unwavering technical support to increase your chances of success. For ultimate convenience and reliability in plasmid transformation, Singles™ Competent Cells are provided in 50 μL volumes to eliminate the need to aliquot, freeze/thaw, or waste partially used vials. This saves time, money, minimizes contamination and ensures reliable cell performance.
BL21 has been the gold standard for protein expression since it was first introduced in 1990. Deficient in Lon and OmpT proteases, BL21 and its derivatives are ideal for many applications. T7 expression strains are lysogens of bacteriophage λDE3, as indicated by the (DE3), and carry a chromosomal copy of the T7 RNA polymerase gene under control of the lacUV5 promoter. Such strains are suitable for production of protein from target genes cloned in appropriate T7 expression vectors.
The pLysS designation is given to strains carrying a plasmid that encodes T7 lysozyme, a natural inhibitor of T7 RNA polymerase. These strains are used to suppress basal expression of T7 RNA polymerase prior to induction and thus stabilize pET, pCDF, pRSF, pACYCDuet™, pCOLADuet™, and Gateway® Nova pDEST™ recombinants encoding target proteins that affect cell growth and viability.
Recombinant proteins that depend on disulfide bond formation for proper folding may be difficult to express in bacterial cytoplasm, which is typically a reducing environment. Origami 2 and Origami B strains have mutations in glutathione reductase (gor) and thioredoxin reductase (trxB), facilitating proper disulfide bond formation and increasing yields of folded, soluble protein.
Reduce protein truncation with Rosetta 2 host strains. These strains are BL21 derivatives that enhance the expression of eukaryotic proteins containing codons rarely used in E. coli. These strains supply tRNAs for 7 rare codons (AGA, AGG, AUA, CUA, GGA, CCC, and CGG) on a compatible chloramphenicol-resistant plasmid. The tRNA genes are driven by their native promoters.
Rosetta 2 strains express 7 rare condons on a chloramphenicol-resistant plasmid, pRARE2.
The Overnight Express™ Autoinduction Systems enable regulated protein expression in E. coli, without monitoring the culture or adding inducer during cell growth. The simplified protocol offers great convenience, allowing you to focus on your research while it does its job. Learn more about our overnight express protocol.