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Laboratory animals are used for many applications, such as basic research, for teaching purposes, as disease models for drug testing and for toxicology testing. The large majority of mammalians used in laboratories are rodents (mice and rats), but other animals may be used, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs or non-human primates. Larger animals are also used, such as pigs and goats.

Facilities for the care and use of laboratory animals must be conducive to the well-being and safety of the animals, as well as provide an optimal research environment by minimizing experimental variables. For this reason, housing (cage size, bedding, feed) and environmental factors (light, temperature, humidity, air quality) are carefully controlled. Merck participates to the efforts being made to find alternatives to animal use in research, such as the use of cell systems for toxicological screening.

Toxicology Screening Products:

More Information
You may find more information related to laboratory animals in the following web sites:
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