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150947 LiChrospher® RP-18 ADS LiChroCART® 25-4

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Catalogue Number150947
DescriptionLiChrospher® RP-18 ADS LiChroCART® 25-4
OverviewLiChrospher® ADS allows the fully automated, LC integrated sample preparation of hydrophobic, low molecular weight analytes from untreated samples like serum, milk, fermentation broth of food homogenates. The enrichment is based on two chromatographic processes: reversed phase and size exclusion chromatography since LiChrospher® ADS sorbents are spherical silica gel particles (25µm) with  DIOL modification on the exterior surface and alkyl modifications on the surface of the interior pores (ID: 6nm). Depending on the hydrophobicity of the analyte three types of precolumns are available: C-4, C-8 and C-18.
Product Information
Quality LevelMQ100
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Other liquids and solids
Storage and Shipping Information
Pressure≤ 4 bar
Theoretical Plates (N/m) (Toluene)≥ 3000
Symmetry (Toluene)0.8 - 1.8
Capacity factor (Toluene)1.0 - 2.5