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493800 PARP Inhibitor VI, NU1025 - CAS 90417-38-2 - Calbiochem


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      Kst.-Ampulle 5 mg
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      OverviewA potent inhibitor poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP; IC50 = 0.40 µM). Has been shown to potentiate the cytotoxicity of the DNA-methylating agent MTIC [5-(3-N-methyltriazen-1-yl)-imidazole-4-carboxamide] and ionizing irradiation in murine L210 leukemia cells.
      Catalogue Number493800
      Brand Family Calbiochem®
      ReferencesDelaney, C.A., et al. 2000. Clin. Cancer Res. 6, 2860.
      Boulton, S., et al. 1999. Carcinogenesis 20, 199.
      Bowman, K.J., et al. 1998. Br. J. Cancer 78, 1269.
      Griffin, R.J., et al. 1998. J. Med. Chem. 41, 5247.
      Griffin, R.J., et al. 1996. Pharm. Sci. 2, 43.
      Boulton, S., et al. 1995. Br. J. Cancer 72, 849.
      Griffin, R.J., et al. 1995. Anticancer Drug Res. 10, 507.
      Product Information
      CAS number90417-38-2
      ATP CompetitiveN
      FormOff-white solid
      Hill FormulaC₉H₈N₂O₂
      Chemical formulaC₉H₈N₂O₂
      Structure formula ImageStructure formula Image
      Quality LevelMQ100
      Biological Information
      Primary TargetPARP
      Primary Target IC<sub>50</sub>0.4 µM against poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)
      Purity≥98% by HPLC
      Physicochemical Information
      Cell permeableN
      Storage and Shipping Information
      Ship Code Ambient Temperature Only
      Toxicity Standard Handling
      Storage -20°C
      Protect from Light Protect from light
      Do not freeze Ok to freeze
      Special InstructionsFollowing reconstitution, aliquot and freeze (-20°C). Stock solutions are stable for up to 6 months at -20°C.
      Packaging Information
      Packaged under inert gas Packaged under inert gas
      Global Trade Item Number
      Bestellnummer GTIN
      493800-5MG 04055977272826