Millipore Sigma Vibrant Logo

203389 InSolution™Blebbistatin, Racemic - Calbiochem


Key Spec Table

Empirical Formula

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      Kst.-Ampulle 5 mg
      Preis nicht abrufbar
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      Catalogue Number203389
      Brand Family Calbiochem®
      ReferencesShu, S., et al. 2005. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 1472.
      Kovacs, M., et al. 2004. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 35557.
      Straight, A.F., et al. 2003. Science 299, 1743.
      Cheung, A., et al. 2001. Mol. Biol. Cell Suppl. 12, 271a.
      Product Information
      ATP CompetitiveN
      FormulationA 50 mM (5 mg/342 µl) solution of (±)-Blebbistatin (Cat. No. 203390) in 90% DMSO.
      Hill FormulaC₁₈H₁₆N₂O₂
      Chemical formulaC₁₈H₁₆N₂O₂
      Hygroscopic Hygroscopic
      Structure formula ImageStructure formula Image
      Quality LevelMQ100
      ApplicationInSolution™Blebbistatin, Racemic, is a 50 mM in 90% DMSO. A cell-permeable, selective, and reversible inhibitor of nonmuscle myosin II. Blocks cell blebbing and disrupts cell migration & cytoKinesis.
      Biological Information
      Primary TargetATPase
      Primary Target IC<sub>50</sub><100 µM inhibiting the ATPase and gliding motility of human platelets
      Purity≥97% by HPLC
      Physicochemical Information
      Cell permeableY
      Storage and Shipping Information
      Ship Code Shipped with Blue Ice or with Dry Ice
      Toxicity Harmful & Carcinogenic / Teratogenic
      Storage -20°C
      Protect from Light Protect from light
      Hygroscopic Hygroscopic
      Do not freeze Ok to freeze
      Special InstructionsFollowing initial thaw, aliquot and freeze (-20°C).
      Packaging Information
      Packaged under inert gas Packaged under inert gas
      Global Trade Item Number
      Bestellnummer GTIN
      203389-5MG 04055977221251