Stimulation of Glia Reveals Modulation of Mammalian Spinal Motor Networks by Adenosine. Acton, D; Miles, GB PloS one
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Despite considerable evidence that glia can release modulators to influence the excitability of neighbouring neurons, the importance of gliotransmission for the operation of neural networks and in shaping behaviour remains controversial. Here we characterise the contribution of glia to the modulation of the mammalian spinal central pattern generator for locomotion, the output of which is directly relatable to a defined behaviour. Glia were stimulated by specific activation of protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), an endogenous G-protein coupled receptor preferentially expressed by spinal glia during ongoing activity of the spinal central pattern generator for locomotion. Selective activation of PAR1 by the agonist TFLLR resulted in a reversible reduction in the frequency of locomotor-related bursting recorded from ventral roots of spinal cord preparations isolated from neonatal mice. In the presence of the gliotoxins methionine sulfoximine or fluoroacetate, TFLLR had no effect, confirming the specificity of PAR1 activation to glia. The modulation of burst frequency upon PAR1 activation was blocked by the non-selective adenosine-receptor antagonist theophylline and by the A1-receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine, but not by the A2A-receptor antagonist SCH5826, indicating production of extracellular adenosine upon glial stimulation, followed by A1-receptor mediated inhibition of neuronal activity. Modulation of network output following glial stimulation was also blocked by the ectonucleotidase inhibitor ARL67156, indicating glial release of ATP and its subsequent degradation to adenosine rather than direct release of adenosine. Glial stimulation had no effect on rhythmic activity recorded following blockade of inhibitory transmission, suggesting that glial cell-derived adenosine acts via inhibitory circuit components to modulate locomotor-related output. Finally, the modulation of network output by endogenous adenosine was found to scale with the frequency of network activity, implying activity-dependent release of adenosine. Together, these data indicate that glia play an active role in the modulation of mammalian locomotor networks, providing negative feedback control that may stabilise network activity. | | 26252389
Regulation of chromatin accessibility and Zic binding at enhancers in the developing cerebellum. Frank, CL; Liu, F; Wijayatunge, R; Song, L; Biegler, MT; Yang, MG; Vockley, CM; Safi, A; Gersbach, CA; Crawford, GE; West, AE Nature neuroscience
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To identify chromatin mechanisms of neuronal differentiation, we characterized chromatin accessibility and gene expression in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) of the developing mouse. We used DNase-seq to map accessibility of cis-regulatory elements and RNA-seq to profile transcript abundance across postnatal stages of neuronal differentiation in vivo and in culture. We observed thousands of chromatin accessibility changes as CGNs differentiated, and verified, using H3K27ac ChIP-seq, reporter gene assays and CRISPR-mediated activation, that many of these regions function as neuronal enhancers. Motif discovery in differentially accessible chromatin regions suggested a previously unknown role for the Zic family of transcription factors in CGN maturation. We confirmed the association of Zic with these elements by ChIP-seq and found, using knockdown, that Zic1 and Zic2 are required for coordinating mature neuronal gene expression patterns. Together, our data reveal chromatin dynamics at thousands of gene regulatory elements that facilitate the gene expression patterns necessary for neuronal differentiation and function. | | 25849986
Simultaneous monitoring of presynaptic transmitter release and postsynaptic receptor trafficking reveals an enhancement of presynaptic activity in metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated long-term depression. Xu, W; Tse, YC; Dobie, FA; Baudry, M; Craig, AM; Wong, TP; Wang, YT The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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Although the contribution of postsynaptic mechanisms to long-term synaptic plasticity has been studied extensively, understanding the contribution of presynaptic modifications to this process lags behind, primarily because of a lack of techniques with which to directly and quantifiably measure neurotransmitter release from synaptic terminals. Here, we developed a method to measure presynaptic activity through the biotinylation of vesicular transporters in vesicles fused with presynaptic membranes during neurotransmitter release. This method allowed us for the first time to selectively quantify the spontaneous or evoked release of glutamate or GABA at their respective synapses. Using this method to investigate presynaptic changes during the expression of group I metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1/5)-mediated long-term depression (LTD) in cultured rat hippocampal neurons, we discovered that this form of LTD was associated with increased presynaptic release of glutamate, despite reduced miniature EPSCs measured with whole-cell recording. Moreover, we found that specific blockade of AMPA receptor (AMPAR) endocytosis with a membrane-permeable GluR2-derived peptide not only prevented the expression of LTD but also eliminated LTD-associated increase in presynaptic release. Thus, our work not only demonstrates that mGluR1/5-mediated LTD is associated with increased endocytosis of postsynaptic AMPARs but also reveals an unexpected homeostatic/compensatory increase in presynaptic release. In addition, this study indicates that biotinylation of vesicular transporters in live cultured neurons is a valuable tool for studying presynaptic function. | Western Blotting | 23536098
Tissue- and cell-type-specific manifestations of heteroplasmic mtDNA 3243A>G mutation in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived disease model. Hämäläinen, RH; Manninen, T; Koivumäki, H; Kislin, M; Otonkoski, T; Suomalainen, A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations manifest with vast clinical heterogeneity. The molecular basis of this variability is mostly unknown because the lack of model systems has hampered mechanistic studies. We generated induced pluripotent stem cells from patients carrying the most common human disease mutation in mtDNA, m.3243Agreater than G, underlying mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) syndrome. During reprogramming, heteroplasmic mtDNA showed bimodal segregation toward homoplasmy, with concomitant changes in mtDNA organization, mimicking mtDNA bottleneck during epiblast specification. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons and various tissues derived from teratomas manifested cell-type specific respiratory chain (RC) deficiency patterns. Similar to MELAS patient tissues, complex I defect predominated. Upon neuronal differentiation, complex I specifically was sequestered in perinuclear PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) and Parkin-positive autophagosomes, suggesting active degradation through mitophagy. Other RC enzymes showed normal mitochondrial network distribution. Our data show that cellular context actively modifies RC deficiency manifestation in MELAS and that autophagy is a significant component of neuronal MELAS pathogenesis. | | 24003133
The upregulation of specific interleukin (IL) receptor antagonists and paradoxical enhancement of neuronal apoptosis due to electrode induced strain and brain micromotion. Karumbaiah, Lohitash, et al. Biomaterials, 33: 5983-96 (2012)
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The high mechanical mismatch between stiffness of silicon and metal microelectrodes and soft cortical tissue, induces strain at the neural interface which likely contributes to failure of the neural interface. However, little is known about the molecular outcomes of electrode induced low-magnitude strain (1-5%) on primary astrocytes, microglia and neurons. In this study we simulated brain micromotion at the electrode-brain interface by subjecting astrocytes, microglia and primary cortical neurons to low-magnitude cyclical strain using a biaxial stretch device, and investigated the molecular outcomes of induced strain in vitro. In addition, we explored the functional consequence of astrocytic and microglial strain on neural health, when they are themselves subjected to strain. Quantitative real-time PCR array (qRT-PCR Array) analysis of stretched astrocytes and microglia showed strain specific upregulation of an Interleukin receptor antagonist - IL-36Ra (previously IL-1F5), to ≈ 1018 and ≈ 236 fold respectively. Further, IL-36Ra gene expression remained unchanged in astrocytes and microglia treated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) indicating that the observed upregulation in stretched astrocytes and microglia is potentially strain specific. Zymogram and western blot analysis revealed that mechanically strained astrocytes and microglia upregulated matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) 2 and 9, and other markers of reactive gliosis such as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and neurocan when compared to controls. Primary cortical neurons when stretched with and without IL-36Ra, showed a ≈ 400 fold downregulation of tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b (TNFRSF11b). Significant upregulation of members of the caspase cysteine proteinase family and other pro-apoptotic genes was also observed in the presence of IL-36Ra than in the absence of IL-36Ra. Adult rats when implanted with microwire electrodes showed upregulation of IL-36Ra (≈ 20 fold) and IL-1Ra (≈ 1500 fold) 3 days post-implantation (3 DPI), corroborating in vitro results, although these transcripts were drastically down regulated by ≈ 20 fold and ≈ 1488 fold relative to expression levels 3 DPI, at the end of 12 weeks post-implantation (12 WPI). These results demonstrate that IL receptor antagonists may be negatively contributing to neuronal health at acute time-points post-electrode implantation. | | 22681976
Reduced cortical BDNF expression and aberrant memory in Carf knock-out mice. McDowell, KA; Hutchinson, AN; Wong-Goodrich, SJ; Presby, MM; Su, D; Rodriguiz, RM; Law, KC; Williams, CL; Wetsel, WC; West, AE The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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Transcription factors are a key point of convergence between the cell-intrinsic and extracellular signals that guide synaptic development and brain plasticity. Calcium-response factor (CaRF) is a unique transcription factor first identified as a binding protein for a calcium-response element in the gene encoding brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf). We have now generated Carf knock-out (KO) mice to characterize the function of this factor in vivo. Intriguingly, Carf KO mice have selectively reduced expression of Bdnf exon IV-containing mRNA transcripts and BDNF protein in the cerebral cortex, whereas BDNF levels in the hippocampus and striatum remain unchanged, implicating CaRF as a brain region-selective regulator of BDNF expression. At the cellular level, Carf KO mice show altered expression of GABAergic proteins at striatal synapses, raising the possibility that CaRF may contribute to aspects of inhibitory synapse development. Carf KO mice show normal spatial learning in the Morris water maze and normal context-dependent fear conditioning. However they have an enhanced ability to find a new platform location on the first day of reversal training in the water maze and they extinguish conditioned fear more slowly than their wild-type littermates. Finally, Carf KO mice show normal short-term (STM) and long-term memory (LTM) in a novel object recognition task, but exhibit impairments during the remote memory phase of testing. Together, these data reveal novel roles for CaRF in the organization and/or function of neural circuits that underlie essential aspects of learning and memory. Volltextartikel | Western Blotting | 20519520
Cadherin expression in the developing mouse olfactory system. Michael R Akins,Deanna L Benson,Charles A Greer The Journal of comparative neurology
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Although odor receptors have been implicated in establishing the topography of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the olfactory bulb (OB), it is likely other molecules are also involved. The cadherins (CDHs) are a large family of cell adhesion molecules that mediate cell:cell interactions elsewhere in the central nervous system. However, their distribution and role in the olfactory system have remained largely unexplored. We previously demonstrated that intracellular binding partners of cadherins, the catenins, have unique spatiotemporal patterns of expression in the developing olfactory system. To further our understanding of cadherin function within the developing olfactory system, we now report on the localization of 11 classical cadherins-CDH1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, and 15. We demonstrate the expression of all but CDH5 and CDH15 in neuronal and/or glial cells in primary olfactory structures. CDH1 and CDH2 are expressed by OSNs; CDH2 expression closely parallels that seen for gamma-catenin in OSN axons. CDH3 and CDH11 are expressed by olfactory ensheathing glia, which surround OSN axons in the outer OB. CDH2, CDH4, and CDH6 are expressed within neuropil. CDH2, CDH4, CDH6, CDH8, CDH10, CDH11, and CDH13 are expressed by projection neurons within the main and accessory OBs. We conclude that cadherin proteins in the developing olfactory system are positioned to underlie the formation of the odorant map and local circuits within the OB. | | 17278136
The projections of early enteric neurons are influenced by the direction of neural crest cell migration. Young, H M, et al. J. Neurosci., 22: 6005-18 (2002)
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The enteric nervous system arises from the neural crest. In embryonic mice, vagal neural crest cells enter the developing foregut at approximately embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5) and then migrate rostrocaudally to colonize the entire gastrointestinal tract by E14.5. This study showed that a subpopulation of vagal crest-derived cells, very close to the migratory wavefront, starts to differentiate into neurons early, as shown by the expression of neuron-specific proteins and the absence of Sox10. Many of the early differentiating neurons transiently exhibited tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity. The TH cells were demonstrated to be the progenitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) neurons. Immunohistochemistry, lesions, and DiI tracing were used to examine the projections of developing enteric neurons. The axons of first neurons in the gut (the TH-NOS neurons) projected in the same direction (caudally), and traversed the same pathways through the mesenchyme, as the migrating, undifferentiated, vagal crest-derived cells. To examine if the direction of migration and direction of axon projection are linked, coculture experiments were set up in which vagal crest-derived cells migrated either rostrocaudally (as they do in vivo), or caudorostrally (which they do not normally do), to colonize explants of embryonic aneural hindgut. The direction in which neurons projected was correlated with the direction of cell migration, but migration direction appears to be not the only mechanism influencing axon projection. Peristaltic reflexes involve both orally (rostrally) projecting neurons and anally (caudally) projecting neurons. Because few rostrally projecting neurons could be detected before birth, the full circuitry for peristaltic reflexes appears to develop after birth. | | 12122062