Multiple functional domains and complexes of the two nonstructural proteins of human respiratory syncytial virus contribute to interferon suppression and cellular location. Swedan, S; Andrews, J; Majumdar, T; Musiyenko, A; Barik, S Journal of virology
Abstract anzeigen
Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a major cause of severe respiratory diseases, efficiently suppresses cellular innate immunity, represented by type I interferon (IFN), using its two unique nonstructural proteins, NS1 and NS2. In a search for their mechanism, NS1 was previously shown to decrease levels of TRAF3 and IKKε, whereas NS2 interacted with RIG-I and decreased TRAF3 and STAT2. Here, we report on the interaction, cellular localization, and functional domains of these two proteins. We show that recombinant NS1 and NS2, expressed in lung epithelial A549 cells, can form homo- as well as heteromers. Interestingly, when expressed alone, substantial amounts of NS1 and NS2 localized to the nuclei and to the mitochondria, respectively. However, when coexpressed with NS2, as in RSV infection, NS1 could be detected in the mitochondria as well, suggesting that the NS1-NS2 heteromer localizes to the mitochondria. The C-terminal tetrapeptide sequence, DLNP, common to both NS1 and NS2, was required for some functions, but not all, whereas only the NS1 N-terminal region was important for IKKε reduction. Finally, NS1 and NS2 both interacted specifically with host microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B). The contribution of MAP1B in NS1 function was not tested, but in NS2 it was essential for STAT2 destruction, suggesting a role of the novel DLNP motif in protein-protein interaction and IFN suppression. | | 21795342
Genesis of neuronal and glial progenitors in the cerebellar cortex of peripuberal and adult rabbits. Ponti, G; Peretto, P; Bonfanti, L PloS one
Abstract anzeigen
Adult neurogenesis in mammals is restricted to some brain regions, in contrast with other vertebrates in which the genesis of new neurons is more widespread in different areas of the nervous system. In the mammalian cerebellum, neurogenesis is thought to be limited to the early postnatal period, coinciding with end of the granule cell genesis and disappearance of the external granule cell layer (EGL). We recently showed that in the rabbit cerebellum the EGL is replaced by a proliferative layer called 'subpial layer' (SPL) which persists beyond puberty on the cerebellar surface. Here we investigated what happens in the cerebellar cortex of peripuberal rabbits by using endogenous and exogenously-administered cell proliferation antigens in association with a cohort of typical markers for neurogenesis. We show that cortical cell progenitors extensively continue to be generated herein. Surprisingly, this neurogenic process continues to a lesser extent in the adult, even in the absence of a proliferative SPL. We describe two populations of newly generated cells, involving neuronal cells and multipolar, glia-like cells. The genesis of neuronal precursors is restricted to the molecular layer, giving rise to cells immunoreactive for GABA, and for the transcription factor Pax2, a marker for GABAergic cerebellar interneuronal precursors of neuroepithelial origin that ascend through the white matter during early postnatal development. The multipolar cells are Map5+, contain Olig2 and Sox2 transcription factors, and are detectable in all cerebellar layers. Some dividing Sox2+ cells are Bergmann glia cells. All the cortical newly generated cells are independent from the SPL and from granule cell genesis, the latter ending before puberty. This study reveals that adult cerebellar neurogenesis can exist in some mammals. Since rabbits have a longer lifespan than rodents, the protracted neurogenesis within its cerebellar parenchyma could be a suitable model for studying adult nervous tissue permissiveness in mammals. | Rabbit | 18523645
Proteins released from degenerating neurons are surrogate markers for acute brain damage. Robert Siman, Tracy K McIntosh, Kristie M Soltesz, Zhaoming Chen, Robert W Neumar, Victoria L Roberts Neurobiology of disease
Abstract anzeigen
The experimental and clinical study of degenerative brain disorders would benefit from new surrogate markers for brain damage. To identify novel candidate markers for acute brain injury, we report that rat cortical neurons release over 60 cytoskeletal and other proteins, as well as their proteolytic fragments into the medium during neuronal death. The profiles of released proteins differ for necrosis and apoptosis, although a subset of proteins is released generally during neurodegeneration. The value of this approach was established by immunodetection of the released proteins 14-3-3 zeta and 14-3-3 beta, as well as calpain and caspase derivatives of tau and alpha-spectrin in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) following traumatic brain injury (TBI) or transient forebrain ischemia in the rat. These results indicate that proteins and their proteolytic fragments released from degenerating neurons are cerebrospinal fluid markers for acute brain damage and suggest that efflux of proteins from the injured brain may reflect underlying mechanisms for neurodegeneration. | | 15193288
Neuronal microtubule-associated proteins in the embryonic avian spinal cord. Tucker, R P, et al. J. Comp. Neurol., 271: 44-55 (1988)
Abstract anzeigen
We have used monoclonal antibodies to study the distribution of three developmentally regulated microtubule-associated proteins-MAP2, MAP5, and tau-during the morphogenesis of the thoracic spinal cord and peripheral nervous system in the quail. MAP5 is the only one of the three that is present in growing motor neuron processes in the day 3 embryo. The low-molecular weight form of MAP2, MAP2c, is found in motor neuron cell bodies at embryonic day 3. At later stages MAP2c appears in axons and in glia; it decreases in abundance between embryonic days 5 and 7. High-molecular weight MAP2 appears in motor neuron cell bodies and spinal cord gray matter at embryonic day 4, and is never encountered in axons. Tau is found in axons, but only at embryonic day 3.5, after they have commenced active extension. The molecular form and patterns of intracellular compartmentalization of each of the microtubule-associated proteins studied is conserved in mammalian and avian neurons. We conclude that MAP5 may be involved in the active growth of neuronal processes, whereas MAP2 and tau are not, and that high-molecular weight MAP2 and tau may stabilize dendritic and axonal processes, respectively. | | 3385011
MAP5: a novel brain microtubule-associated protein under strong developmental regulation. Riederer, B, et al. J. Neurocytol., 15: 763-75 (1986)
Abstract anzeigen
A novel microtubule-associated protein, MAP5, is described, whose chemical properties and cytological distribution distinguish it from other known microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Its status as a MAP is indicated by the observations that (i) it co-assembles efficiently with microtubules in vitro, (ii) it is localized on microtubules in brain sections by immunogold staining with monoclonal antibody against MAP5 and (iii) immunoaffinity purified MAP5 stimulates tubulin polymerization. Immunoperoxidase staining of brain sections showed that MAP5 is present in neurons throughout the brain and that in them it is evenly distributed throughout axons, dendrites and cell bodies. In this respect it differs from previously described MAPs (1, 2, 3 and tau) which are differentially compartmentalized in brain neurons. MAP5 is not present in axon terminals, dendritic spines or other synaptic elements. It is present at substantially higher levels in neonatal brain than adult and it is more abundant than either MAP1 or MAP2a up to postnatal day 10. The fall in amount of MAP5, from juvenile to adult levels, is completed between postnatal days 10 and 20. This suggests that MAP5 is particularly important in modulating microtubule function during the formation of neuronal processes. | | 3819779