BIOSCOT® Rare Finished Reagents
BIOSCOT® labelled Blood Typing Monoclonal Finished Reagents
BIOSCOT® labelled Blood Typing Monoclonal Finished Reagents Menos

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IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Blood Typing > Finished Reagents > BIOSCOT® Rare Finished Reagents |
Anti-K (clone MS-56) TR
This reagent is very well established for the reliable detection of the K antigen. It has been reported as detecting a K variant (personal correspondence from the International Blood Group Reference Laboratory).
Anti-K (clone AEK4) BK
This reagent shows comparable reactivity to TR.
Anti-Jka (clone MS-15) BI
This IgM reagent will directly agglutinate cells possessing the Jka antigen.
Anti-Jkb (clone MS-8) BE
BE has matched reaction characteristics to BI.
Anti-M (clone LM110/140) NE
This reagent is formulated to pH 8.4 which ensures its specificity for the M antigen. It is recommended for use by the tube test with a 5 minute incubation.
Anti-N (clone B03) NA
This anti-N gives good stable reactions with N positive red cells using an immediate spin tube test method.
Anti-S (clone MS-94) TJ
This is a particularly potent IgM reagent which directly agglutinates red cells with the S antigen in tube tests without the need for incubation.
Anti-s (clone P3BER) TB
This reagent has matched reaction characteristics to TJ.
Anti-P1 (clone P3NIL100) ND
ND is a human IgM reagent which directly reacts with P1 red cells. This reagent can be used in immediate spin tube tests.
Anti-Lea (clone GA2) NB
This quick-reacting Anti-Lea is formulated from murine IgA antibodies.
Anti-Leb (clone LM129/181) NH
Unlike some monoclonal Anti-Leb reagents, NH is an anti-Lebl, directly agglutinating red cells from all four ABO groups.